B.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1977











Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science

in the Graduate College of the

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988








Urbana, Illinois







Brian Foote

Department of Computer Science

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988

Ralph E. Johnson, Advisor


Application domains that are characterized by rapidly changing software requirements pose challenges to the software designer that are distinctly different from those that must be addressed in more conventional application domains.  This project assesses the impact of applying object-oriented programming tools and techniques to problems drawn from one such domain:  that of realtime laboratory application programming.  The project shows how a class inheritance hierarchy can promote the emergence of application specific frameworks as a family of applications evolves.  Such frameworks offer significant advantages over conventional skeleton program-based approaches to the problems of managing families of applications.  Particular attention is given to design issues that arise both during the initial design and implementation of such applications, and during later stages of their lifecycles, when these applications become the focus of reuse efforts.  The project also addresses the impact of object-oriented approaches on the simulation of realtime systems and system components.











To Henry Hudson




This project has a longer history than most masters projects.  This one is based on a larger system upon which I worked at the University of Illinois Department of Psychology's Cognitive Psychophysiology Laboratory (CPL).  I am indebted to Emanuel Donchin, the CPL's Director, and to Earle F. Heffley III, the CPL's Technical Director, both for their willingness to allow me to explore new programming techniques with the CPL battery, which laid the foundation for this project, and for their support for my efforts to juggle school and work, which made this project possible.


I am grateful as well to Michael Faiman, Walter Schneider, and Arthur Kramer, who helped to convince me of the wisdom of pursuing an advanced degree.


Roy Campbell's advanced software engineering course had a major impact on my thinking about object-oriented framework lifecycle issues.


I'd like to thank Dan Ingalls, Kent Beck, and Barry Haynes of Apple Computer for providing me with up-to-date tools and assistance with the Macintosh Smalltalk that I used for the battery simulation.


Without the tireless help of my writing coach, Audrey Wells, this document would be in much sorrier shape than it is.  The responsibility for those warts that remain, is of course, entirely mine.


Finally, I'd like to gratefully acknowledge the assistance, encouragement, enthusiasm and patience of my thesis advisor, Ralph Johnson.  Without his willingness to embark on an open-end investigation rooted in an application domain somewhat foreign to day-to-day computer science, this effort (such as it is) would simply not have been possible.

Table of Contents


Chapter I -- Introduction................................................................................................... 1

The Structure of this Document.............................................................................. 4

Chapter II -- Background.................................................................................................. 5

The Realtime Laboratory Application Domain........................................................ 5

The CPL Battery................................................................................................... 7

A Tour of the CPL Battery.................................................................................... 10

Why a Smalltalk Battery Simulation?...................................................................... 15

Chapter III -- Anatomy of the Battery Framework............................................................. 18

Battery-Items........................................................................................................ 21

BatteryItem............................................................................................... 22

SternbergTask........................................................................................... 48

ToneOddball............................................................................................. 54

WordOddball............................................................................................ 58

Battery-Parameters................................................................................................ 63

BatteryParameters..................................................................................... 64

SternbergTaskParameters.......................................................................... 68

ToneOddballParameters............................................................................ 71

WordOddballParameters........................................................................... 73

Stimulus-Generators.............................................................................................. 74

StimulusGenerator..................................................................................... 76

SternbergDisplayGenerator........................................................................ 78

ToneGenerator.......................................................................................... 80

WordGenerator......................................................................................... 83

Stimulus-Support................................................................................................... 85

Stimulus..................................................................................................... 86

SternbergStimulus...................................................................................... 87

ToneStimulus............................................................................................. 88

WordStimulus............................................................................................ 89

Sequence-Support................................................................................................. 90

WeightedCollection................................................................................... 91

SequenceGenerator................................................................................... 94

Response-Support................................................................................................. 97

ButtonBox................................................................................................. 98

ButtonBoxResponse.................................................................................. 101

Data-Management................................................................................................. 102

BatteryBlock............................................................................................. 103

BatteryTrial............................................................................................... 104

DataDictionary.......................................................................................... 106

DataDictionaryEntry.................................................................................. 107

Interface-Battery................................................................................................... 109

ListHolder................................................................................................. 110

ItemListController...................................................................................... 112

ParameterListController............................................................................. 115

BatteryCodeController.............................................................................. 117

WaveformController.................................................................................. 119

BatteryBrowser......................................................................................... 121

ItemListView............................................................................................. 127

ParameterListView.................................................................................... 128

BatteryView.............................................................................................. 130

BatteryCodeView...................................................................................... 133

WaveformView......................................................................................... 134

Chapter IV -- Anatomy of the Battery Library.................................................................... 143

Realtime-Support.................................................................................................. 145

Timebase................................................................................................... 146

Timebase................................................................................................... 147

Realtime-Devices................................................................................................... 149

Device....................................................................................................... 150

ClockedDevice.......................................................................................... 152

Clock........................................................................................................ 154

Digitizer..................................................................................................... 161

BufferedDigitizer........................................................................................ 164

StreamedDigitizer...................................................................................... 166

InputBit..................................................................................................... 168

OutputBit.................................................................................................. 173

Waveform-Support............................................................................................... 175

Averager................................................................................................... 176

Waveform................................................................................................. 180

WaveformCollection.................................................................................. 183

Tally.......................................................................................................... 185

Random-Support................................................................................................... 189

IntegerGenerator....................................................................................... 190

IntegerStream............................................................................................ 191

RandomStream.......................................................................................... 193

SampledStream......................................................................................... 197

Plumbing-Support.................................................................................................. 199

Filter......................................................................................................... 200

Pump........................................................................................................ 203

Tee........................................................................................................... 207

ValueFilter................................................................................................. 208

Valve........................................................................................................ 210

ValueSupply.............................................................................................. 212

Accessible-Objects............................................................................................... 214

AccessibleObject...................................................................................... 215

AccessibleDictionary................................................................................. 223

Chapter V -- A Tour of the Battery Simulation................................................................... 225

Chapter VI -- Discussion................................................................................................... 229

Object-Oriented Frameworks................................................................................ 229

Environments......................................................................................................... 235

Getting Skeletons Back in the Closet...................................................................... 235

Why Software Design is So Difficult....................................................................... 241

Designing in the Presence of Volatile Requirements................................................. 246

Designing to Facilitate Change................................................................................ 251

Specificity vs. Generality........................................................................................ 252

Objects, Evolution, and Maintenance..................................................................... 254

Reuse vs. Reinvention............................................................................................ 257

Frameworks and the Software Lifecycle................................................................. 259

Programming in the Smalltalk-80 Environment........................................................ 263

The Learnability Gap............................................................................................. 264

Smalltalk and Realtime Systems............................................................................. 266

Starting with a "Real" System................................................................................. 269

Lisp, Simula, and Uniform Access.......................................................................... 270

O2 Programming is Easy.  O2 Design is Hard........................................................ 274

Chapter VII -- Conclusion................................................................................................. 277

References........................................................................................................................ 279

Chapter I -- Introduction


A good software designer knows that a job is not done when the requirements for the project at hand have been met.  Well-designed systems will lay the foundations for solving related problems as well.  Good designers will always keep one eye open to opportunities to produce code and components that are usable beyond the scope of the current problem.  A common result of such efforts is the accumulation of a library of broadly applicable utility components and routines.   Another result can be the construction of robust, easily extensible applications that facilitate the evolution of a given application or component as the demands made of it change.


Not all programming systems and methodologies are equally effective in supporting the graceful evolution of applications and systems.   Certainly high-level languages such as Algol-68 and Pascal, and approaches such as stepwise refinement and structured programming have done much to ease the burden of the programmer designing new applications.  The notions of encapsulation and information hiding, which have been embodied in languages like Ada and Modula-2, have contributed much to our ability to deal with large, complex problems and systems.  These approaches, powerful though they may be, only begin to address the sorts of pressures one faces when an existing system must adapt to new requirements.  The central focus of the work described herein is on how object-oriented languages, techniques and tools confront the problem of volatile requirements.


This document describes a project (the battery simulation) that assesses the value of bringing object-oriented tools and techniques to bear on problems drawn from the domain of realtime laboratory programming.  The project was based upon a large laboratory system (the CPL battery, or the battery) developed by the author using more traditional tools and approaches.  The project involved the reimplementation of substantial portions of the CPL battery using Smalltalk-80.  The principal question that motivated this effort was:  How might the use of object-oriented tools and techniques affect the design, implementation, and evolution of programs in this application domain?


The problems of realtime laboratory programming are quite distinct from those in areas that have been more comprehensively studied by computer scientists, such as compiler construction or operating system design.  Realtime laboratory data acquisition and experimental control applications must flourish in a research environment that is (by the very nature of research itself) characterized by rapidly changing requirements.  These applications must also operate under severe timing and performance constraints, and must be designed to facilitate graceful evolution.


The applications which provided the basis for this project (the CPL battery) resulted from a fairly ambitious attempt to address some of the requirements stated above using traditional programming tools.  A number of the approaches taken in the design of the CPL battery were inspired by object-oriented techniques.  This project (the battery simulation) represented an attempt to ascertain what impact the use of a full-blown, bona-fide object-oriented programming environment (Smalltalk-80) might have on a redesign and reimplementation of representative portions of the CPL battery.


This Smalltalk-80 reimplementation had, from the onset, an exploratory character.  An important aim of the project was to examine how the Smalltalk language and system might affect the sort of code produced to solve laboratory programming problems.  The "plumbing" data stream classes for data analysis and the "accessible object" record/dictionary classes are two of the more interesting results.  Another goal was to assess the utility of Smalltalk's user interface construction tools in constructing these applications.  The waveform and parameter browsing tools incorporated into the project resulted from this effort.  The plumbing data stream classes, accessible objects, and the battery browsing tools are presented in detail in Chapters III and IV of this document.


The overriding focus of this effort, however, was not as much to see how object-oriented techniques might aid in the construction of any given application as it was to assess the ways in which these techniques might be used to avoid the sort of wasteful duplication that is conventionally seen in these sorts of application domains as requirements change. 


One way in which object-oriented schemes help to meet this goal is by encouraging the design of general, application independent libraries of reusable components.  More conventional programming environments do this too.  The information hiding capabilities present in object-oriented languages and systems are of great benefit in promoting the development of reusable libraries. 


Another way in which object-oriented approaches facilitate graceful component evolution is via the ability of an object-oriented system to support the customization of a general kernel of components through the specialization ability provided by inheritance.  The specialization and reuse capabilities provided by object-oriented inheritance and polymorphism increase the potential applicability of both preexisting and user generated system components.  Hence, effort spent making a component more general is likely to pay off sooner than it might in a conventional system.


The Smalltalk battery simulation uses a class inheritance hierarchy to help manage a set of related, evolving applications as they diverge from a common ancestor.  The emergence of an application specific framework in the face of volatile requirements is perhaps the most interesting consequence of the use of object-oriented techniques.


Traditional tools and approaches in the laboratory domain encourage a programming style built around a library of context independent reusable subroutines and  disposable custom programs built (perhaps) from simple skeletons.  An object-oriented approach allows a broad middle ground between these two extremes:  the application framework.


The existence of a mechanism that allows the graceful evolution of program components from the specific to the general is a valuable asset during the design of any system, but the value of such a capability takes on an additional dimension of importance when such systems must evolve in the face of highly dynamic requirements.  Thus, designing to facilitate change takes in lifecycle issues that normally are addressed under the rubrics of reuse, maintenance and evolution.

The Structure of this Document


This document is organized as follows:


Chapter II gives the history and background of this project, including a detailed description of the system upon which the project was based (the CPL battery), and discusses Smalltalk and object-oriented programming in general.


Chapters III and IV give the detailed anatomy of the Smalltalk-80 battery simulation framework and library.


Chapter V gives an illustrated tour of the battery simulation.


Chapter VI contains a discussion of a number of general questions and points raised by this research.


Chapter VII summarizes the project's results and conclusions.

Chapter II -- Background


This chapter describes the realtime laboratory application domain and the CPL battery, and discusses how the CPL battery spawned the Smalltalk battery simulation.

The Realtime Laboratory Application Domain


The Smalltalk battery simulation that is the focus of the effort described in this document was based on another system (the CPL battery) developed by the author while employed (as a systems programmer/analyst) at the University of Illinois Department of Psychology's Cognitive Psychophysiology Laboratory (CPL).


A basic psychophysiological paradigm employed by researchers at the CPL is the so-called "oddball" paradigm [Donchin 81].  In an oddball experiment, a subject (typically human) is presented with a Bernoulli series of one of two alternative stimuli, such as high or low tones.  Each such presentation constitutes a single trial.  A complete series of such trials is called a block.  In the simplest case, the subject's task is to count each occurrence of one type of stimuli, and ignore all occurrences of the other. 


During this procedure, EEG is collected from the subject via electrodes affixed to the subject's scalp.  This EEG is amplified and and fed into a computer-driven analog-to-digital converter.  The phenomena of interest are low amplitude signals that are difficult to detect in the wash of noise that is typically present in the EEG collected for any given single trial.  Thus, signal averaging is necessary to produce aggregate responses across collections of many trials.


All aspects of data collection and experimental control are under the realtime control of a laboratory computer system.  This system must concurrently generate and present stimuli to the subject, digitize and store collected data on some secondary storage medium, and conduct an interactive dialog with the experimenter, which may include the generation of realtime waveform displays and the presentation of statistical information.


A single trial might last for a period of 1 to 2 seconds.  Data are typically digitized at 100 to 200 points per second.  Data from 2 to 32 channels (electrode sites) are recorded for each trial, and stored in real time to magtape or cartridge tape.  In addition to the analog data, digital input data reporting a subject response to a given stimulus, together with a response time (RT) may be collected for each trial.


The definition of what constitutes adequate realtime performance varies enormously from one application domain to the next.  Certain applications in high energy physics may require that microsecond or better accuracy be present in the relative timing among experimental events.  Many process control applications (and so-called realtime operating systems) effectively define realtime as being within a line clock "tick" (1/50th or 1/60th of a second).  Psychophysiological applications usually require that experimental timing be accurate to within a millisecond or so.


The computer system used to run these experiments is one designed and constructed at the CPL.  These systems, called Pearl II systems [Heffley 85] are built around DEC LSI-11/73 processors, and contain from 256k to 4M bytes of memory.  Among the more noteworthy attributes of these systems is the set of 6 custom PC cards that provide 6 realtime clocks, a 16/32 channel 12 bit DMA clocked A/D system, a 4 channel clocked 12 bit DMA system, and a custom DMA cartridge interface.


Programs are developed and run under the DEC RT11 operating system.  Application programs are usually written in Fortran IV, with the assistance of a structured preprocessor called FLECS [Beyer 75] that provides facilities such as advanced control structures, constant definition, and internal procedures that are not (or were not) present in the Fortran 66-based DEC Fortran IV implementation.


Application development is supported by a large library of Fortran and PDP11 assembly language (Macro-11) subroutines called LABPAK  [Donchin 75], [Foote 85].  This library provides fast implementations of operations that are time or performance critical, or beyond what can easily be accomplished in Fortran (such as device drivers).


The LABPAK library hides much of the detail and complexity of dealing with realtime device programming and high performance data manipulation from the application programmer.  Hence, laboratory application development can be undertaken by researchers themselves. 


Naturally, there is a great deal of variation among the levels of programming skills exhibited by researchers in this environment.  A typical simple laboratory application program might be a few hundred lines long.  Usually, such applications are written by a single individual to solve some problem immediately at hand.  (Often, the programs generated by researchers are variations on the oddball theme discussed above.)  Once written, such an application program may take on a life of its own.  This is because research, by its nature, ensures that no single application stays current for very long.  The problems presented by moving target requirements will be addressed in detail in Chapter VI.

The CPL Battery


The CPL Battery was developed in response to requirements in several research contracts that called for the development of a battery of electrophysiological tests for the assessment of toxic exposure (for the EPA) and man-machine operator workload (for the Air Force).  This package  is discussed in a paper by Heffley, Foote, Mui and Donchin [Heffley 85].  The specifications for these tests called for the development of a battery of related applications that together would constitute a turn-key package with which a relatively unskilled operator could administer these tests.  The specifications called as well for a great deal of latitude and flexibility in the configuration of these battery items.  At the same time, each of the specified items was, in many respects, a variation on the oddball theme discussed previously. 


It seemed obvious at the outset of this project that using the conventional approach of developing and maintaining a single separate application program for each required battery task was not feasible.  The burden of maintaining such a large collection of programs appeared to have the potential of becoming overwhelming.  The commonalities in the underlying structures of these applications ensured that large portions of each application would be duplicated across many or all of them.  What's more, the high level of flexibility required by each of the specifications would have required that several versions of each item be developed if each had a scope similar to that of one of the applications we were used to. 


Even when surface differences could be otherwise be reconciled, there was a need for variations in the user interfaces of the programs to tailor them to the needs of the various contractors, particularly with respect to the operator interfaces.


It was to meet these requirements that we developed the CPL Battery.


Typical CPL laboratory application programs have always had a brief list of parameters that could be modified by the experimenter using a simple table editing scheme.   This parameter dialog might allow an experimenter to alter between 10 and 50 experimental parameters.  In order to allow the large number of variations called for in the specification, a much larger number parameters seemed necessary. 


To support this capability, we developed a stand-alone parameter editor, which could accommodate up to 512 parameters per battery item.  This editor is table driven, and provides both type and subrange checking.  Integer, Option (Boolean) and String types are supported by the battery editor.  The editor provided a full screen, arrow and key-letter driven interface (which was still a novelty during the early 1980s) as well as a per parameter help capability (which is still more of a novelty than it should be.)  The editor also supports the realtime interpretation of symbolic arithmetic expressions, and included a primitive constraint resolution mechanism.  It also provided facilities for storing and retrieving sets of parameter values.


The tables that drive the parameter editor are also the basis for the battery data management scheme.  By retaining symbolic information describing the contents of battery data records, any battery program or other utility may access data generated by any other utility.  These tables are generated by a preprocessor that takes a textual description of each parameter, along with its help information, and generates binary tables, help files, and FLECS common definition files.  These include files provide an efficient mechanism for establishing a correspondence between symbolic names in the parameter editor and variables in the application programs themselves.


The development of support for a multi-page parameter dialog permitted the design of a handful of general applications that could, by virtue of the high degree of configurability made possible by the large number of parameters present, take the place of a large number of single purpose programs. 


To attempt to exploit the structural similarities between battery items, a decision was made to use the internal procedure and conditional compilation capabilities of the FLECS preprocessor to attempt to mimic an object-oriented inheritance hierarchy.  This  attempt proved quite successful.  Each of the eight or so battery items is derived from a single common FLECS framework.  The sharing of large amounts of structural code among all the battery items permits one to lavish this common core with additional attention and features, with the knowledge that this effort will benefit all the applications derived from it.


This attempt to employ object-oriented principles was motivated by a keen interest on the part of the author in object-oriented programming, and Smalltalk in particular.  It was this interest, combined with the battery effort, that motivated the Smalltalk battery simulation described herein.

A Tour of the CPL Battery


This chapter illustrates how an experimenter interacts with the CPL Battery.  The screens depicted here show how an experimenter choses a battery item, inspects an item's parameters, and runs a block of trials.


The screen above shows the CPL battery's main menu page.  Users select an item either by using the vertical arrow keys, or by using one of a set of single keystroke command synonyms.


The screen above shows the main menu of the Word Oddball battery item.  User may run a block of trials, inspect and change parameter values, or manipulate and examine the contents of either a Pearl II 1/4 inch cartridge tape, or a 9 track magtape.


The screen above depicts one of the Word Oddball items parameter directory pages.  This battery item has three such pages.  Each entry in the directory refers to a parameter page that may in turn contain up to 16 parameters.


This screen shows one of the Word Oddball's parameter pages.  This page contains parameters associated with data collection.  The values of the A/D digitizing rate, the A/D digitizing time, and the number of data points per sweep may be traded off against one another.  The results of doing so are immediately displayed.  The single degree of freedom present in this calculation may be assigned using the "Calc" parameters.  The effect of such manipulations on memory usage is reflected immediately in the "Bytes Free" parameter.  Such calculations are conducted by special constraint satisfaction code built into the menu management program that drives this display. 


The text at the bottom gives a brief description of the "A/D Gain" parameter.  Such interactive help is available for all of a battery item's parameters.  The user alters a parameter by moving the cursor to it using arrow keys, and typing return.  The user may then type an expression, the value of which becomes the new parameter value, if the parameter's limit constraints are not violated.  This expression may include most standard Fortran and C operators, as well as symbolic parameter names.  Hence, "A/D Gain"*2+1 is a legal expression.


The Battery main menu and parameter dialogs seen here are all conducted by a single program, called MENU.  This program operates on tables produced by a preprocessor called DICT.  The input to this program is an ASCII description of each parameter, giving its type, limits, and initial value.  The help information is also given in this file.  The DICT program produces tables for the MENU program, along with Fortran common and constant definition files that are used by the FLECS preprocessor to allow efficient Fortran level access to battery variables.


The screen above gives a list of the commands available to the user in the parameter editor.


Thescreen above shows the information given to the experimenter just before a block is begun.


The Macintosh screen dump above shows part of the Word Oddball items runtime display.  Trial categories are distinguished by bold and dim text.  The trial number is given in the leftmost column, followed by the stimulus.  The next three columns give subject response information.  Since no subject was present when this example was run, the reaction time column (RT) is filled with zeros, and the response columns are written in reverse video, indicating that the responses for this trial are in error.

Why a Smalltalk Battery Simulation?


A number of factors made simulating the CPL battery in Smalltalk seem like a potentially worthwhile enterprise.  The CPL battery was constructed using techniques and approaches that were taken from Smalltalk.   The simulated inheritance hierarchy used to manage related applications and the highly interactive user interface present in the CPL battery were both inspired by Smalltalk.  Both were simulated at considerable expense in the CPL battery.  It seemed natural to ask what advantage there might be in using Smalltalk itself to construct a system with similar objectives. 


The inheritance mechanism in Smalltalk is much more powerful (and less coarse) than the one used in the CPL battery.  As for the user interface, Smalltalk is (rightfully) well known for having originated the bit-mapped, windowed user interface style that is so popular today.  The Smalltalk environment comes with an extensive array of classes that support this user interface.


It seemed interesting to ask as well what impact an object-oriented language like Smalltalk might have on low level coding.  Object-oriented polymorphism seemed to have the potential to allow low level code to cope with the needs of a family of related applications in a tidier fashion than conventional languages (like Fortran) might allow.  Also, object-oriented programming styles encourage the development of a collection of modular application specific abstractions.  Assessing the impact of using such abstractions on the coding process seemed a worthwhile pursuit.


Above all, however, the battery simulation was inspired by a desire to investigate the impact of object-oriented techniques and environments on the design of a family of diverging applications.  In particular,  I wanted to determine how a Smalltalk implementation of a system like the battery would support the sort of extension and change present in a laboratory environment.


Certain other aspects of the Smalltalk system made it attractive as well.  Under Smalltalk-80, all the objects known to a given copy of the system are resident in that system's image.  It struck me that such an environment might be an interesting place to investigate new ideas about managing the large volumes of data that are produced by laboratory applications, particularly with respect the problem of identifying and labeling such data.  In a resident environment, stored data could retain their original identities as objects, and respond to their full repertoire of messages.  The combination of resident data and the Smalltalk user interface tools seemed to have considerable potential.


One last aspect of Smalltalk versus the CPL development environment seemed compelling as well.  The Apple Lisa and Macintosh MC68000 systems that supported the Smalltalk battery simulation had up to 2 megabytes of directly addressable memory available to them.  The original CPL battery ran (and still runs) on DEC PDP-11 family processors that can, for most purposes, address only 64kb of memory directly.

Chapter III -- Anatomy of the Battery Framework


The Battery simulation is an object-oriented application framework for constructing psychophysiological experiments of the sort described in chapter II.  Experimenters add new experiments to this framework by adding new subclasses to this framework.  The number of new subclasses that must be added and the amount of new code that must be written will depend (of course) on the degree of similarity between the requirements for the new experiment and parts of the existing framework.


This chapter, and the one that follows it,  give a detailed exposition of all the code in the Battery simulation.  It is hoped that the battery simulation can serve as a case study in the application of object-oriented frameworks.  Every line of code in the simulation is presented, warts and all.  The class definitions for this code are organized into 14 major categories.  (The names given are Smalltalk system category names.)  The first 8 categories contain code that is relatively battery specific.  These constitute the bulk of the battery framework.  The remaining 6 categories contain code that is largely battery independent.  These classes hence play a role similar to that of library components in a conventional system.  These classes are discussed in Chapter IV.  The categories are:


      Battery-Items                                   The Sternberg, Word and Tone Oddball

      Battery-Parameters                       Parameter carriers for the Battery Items

      Stimulus-Generators                     Pluggable stimulus presentation devices

      Stimulus-Support                           Stimulus descriptor objects

      Sequence-Support                        Stimulus sequences generation support

      Response-Support                        Subject response descriptor objects

      Data-Management                          Data archive simulation objects

      Interface-Battery                             Support for browsing battery items


      Realtime-Support                           Simulated realtime timebase code

      Realtime-Devices                           Clocks, digitizers, digital I/O devices

      Waveform-Support                        Waveform collection and statistics

      Random-Support                           Random integer and stream support

      Plumbing-Support                         Objects for connecting streams together

      Accessible-Objects                        Support for record/dict. transparency


The Battery-Items category contains the core of the battery simulation:  the abstract class BatteryItem.  BatteryItem is the principal component of the psychophysiological experimental application framework.  This class is the superclass of the three concrete battery items presented here:  WordOddball, ToneOddball, and SternbergTask.  One of the central goals of this simulation was to demonstrate how a class inheritance hierarchy could be used allow a family of related application programs to share common code.


The Battery-Parameters category contains a set of record-like objects that carry the user modifiable parameter values for each battery item.  These are organized in a hierarchy that mirrors the battery item hierarchy.  The use of separate objects to embody the configurable state of battery items simplifies and isolates the design of the battery parameter viewing mechanism.


The Stimulus-Generator category embodies an attempt to construct interchangeable stimulus generation modules that could be fitted into any appropriate application. 


The Stimulus-Support and Response-Support categories contain classes that function as descriptors that ferry information between the battery items themselves and the stimulus generation and response reporting systems.


The Battery-Parameters, Stimulus-Generator, Stimulus-Support, and Response-Support categories are examples of objects which have been factored out of the original battery item design as discrete components.  An experimenter constructing a new experiment will extend BatteryItem, or some subclass thereof, along with members of these hierarchies.  Because these elements are not subclasses of BatteryItem itself, these components can be mixed and matched as black boxes among BatteryItems.


The Sequence-Support category supports the generation of experimental stimulus sequences.


The Data-Management category contains a set of descriptor classes that provide the foundation for a dictionary-based data archiving scheme.  Class BatteryTrial contains waveform data and descriptive scalar information for each single trial that is performed.  A BatteryBlock contains all the trials collected during a given experimental run.  Each completed BatteryBlock is entered into a DataDictionaryEntry descriptor and entered into a DataDictionary.  Class BatteryItem contains an instance of DataDictionary that serves as the master repository for battery data.


The Interface-Battery category supports the Battery browser.  This browser allows an experimenter to access a list of battery items, inspect or alter the parameters for a given battery item, and run a battery item.  A running battery item maintains a dynamic waveform display.


The code for the battery independent categories is described in the Chapter IV.


The code for each system category is presented in turn.  A general description of each category is given first, along with a list of the classes defined in that category.  Each class in the category is then presented.  Each class description begins with a table that resembles a standard Smalltalk class definition template.  The class name and its superclass are given, first followed by lists of instance and class variables.  Inherited instance variable names are given in italics.  These lists are followed by the pool dictionary list, the category name, and a table showing the class hierarchy.



The classes in the Battery-Items category constitute the framework around which the Battery simulation is built.  The classes are:


      BatteryItem                                      A generic battery item

      SternbergTask                                A Sternberg memory task

      ToneOddball                                    An auditory oddball experiment

      WordOddball                                   A visual semantic oddball experiment



Class BatteryItem is the central core of each of the three actual battery items implemented herein.  BatteryItem is an abstract superclass, since it exists only to provide a repository for the common behaviors among the three concrete battery items.


A BatteryItem is a generic psychophysiological experiment.  A BatteryItem object's job is to run a block of experimental single trials whenever it receives the doBlock message.  A block  is a collection of a designated number of single trials.  The number of trials in a block is an experimental parameter.


A single trial, or trial, corresponds to the presentation of a stimulus or a sequence of stimuli to an experimental subject.  For each trial, a BatteryItem must coordinate the timing and presentation of stimuli, the collection of A/D waveform data (using an analog-to-digital converter, or digitizer), the collection of discrete response time information, and the maintenance of cumulative statistics and experimenter displays.  A BatteryItem must accurately orchestrate all these activities in (simulated) real time.   


BatteryItem is a subclass of AccessibleObject, which enables each of its instance variables to be accessed as though a BatteryItem were a dictionary.  AccessibleObjects allow new key/value pairs to be defined, which will then also respond to the conventional instance variable accessing protocol (item, item: value).  See the discussion of category Accessible-Objects for more information on what AccessibleObjects can do.  BatteryItems inherit the instance variable items  from AccessibleObject.  This instance variable helps to provide the  soft instance variable facility mentioned above.


The class variable BatteryDataDictionary is an important component of the battery simulation's rudimentary data management scheme.  Rather than writing battery data to some external medium, the battery simulation enters the data collected during each run of a battery item into a dictionary that is kept in BatteryDataDictionary.

class name      BatteryItem

superclass        AccessibleObject

instance variable names






















class variable names


category          Battery-Items








BatteryItem methods for:  block control


The block control methods control block preparations, the sequencing of single trials, and block termination activities.


The fundamental operation that a BatteryItem can be called upon to perform is to doBlock, which defines the basic sequence of block activities.  Any time consuming block preparations are made by prepareBlock.  These include updating the block counter, preparing a stimulus sequence, preparing the data management system, and setting up the dataflow data processing fixtures.  Then, time-critical block start-up actions are performed by startBlock, such as informing the stimulus generator object that the block is starting.


The division of labor among the components that constitute a battery item is such that each battery item works with a discrete stimulus generating object of some sort.  For some applications, the internal mechanisms of this object might be quite complex, and hence there is a need to synchronize it with the block and trial sequencing done by the battery item.


The runBlock method is the heart of the block control mechanism.  It zeros a trial counter, and proceeds to generate and execute trials.  A trial is executed by sending the doTrial message to a battery item.  The trial control code is discussed below. 


When the block has completed, the finishBlock method is executed.  This method tells the data management and stimulus generation components to perform any block termination activities that they might require.


An experiment that required that basic changes be made to a BatteryItem's block sequencing behavior might override these methods.  For example, an experiment that required that a sequence of blocks be run in order with only minor, systematic changes to experimental parameters might override some of these methods.

BatteryItem methods for:  block control



      "To run a block, we must make adequate preparations, start per block 

      activity, run the blocks's trials themselves, and finish up.  The

      fundamental service a BatteryItem provides to the outside world is the

      ability to do a block when it is requested to."


      self prepareBlock.

      self startBlock.

      self runBlock.

      self finishBlock


      "We are done.  Clean up.  We perform whatever end-of-block activity

      our data management scheme may require, and tell our stimulus generator

      that the block is over."


      self finishDataManagement.

      self stimulusGenerator finishBlock



      "Block preparations are those time-consuming tasks that need to be

      performed before a block is started.  These are as opposed to actions of an

      essentially instantaneous nature, which should be enumerated in

      startBlock. "


      self blockNumber: self blockNumber + 1.

      self prepareStimulusSequence.

      self prepareDataManagement.

      self prepareProcessingFixtures



      "To actually run the block, we have to generate a bunch of trials.  We

      overlap the completion of the current trial and the preparation of the

      next in doTrial.  Hence, we must prime this process here."


      self currentTrialNumber: 0.

      self prepareNextTrial.

      (1 to: self trials)


                  [:n |

                  self currentTrialNumber: n.

                  self currentTrial: self nextTrial.

                  self doTrial]



      "Tell our stimulus generator we are starting up."


      stimulusGenerator startBlock

BatteryItem methods for:  trial control


The trial control methods are templates for a BatteryItem's basic trial control sequencing.


The doTrial method conducts an experimental trial.  The startTrial method starts the single trial timer (which is returned by the trialClock method) for an amount of time indicated by the trialDuration method.  The runTrial method is the generic trial body.  It calls collectData and processData. 


The collectData method must be provided by BatteryItem's subclasses, and is, in this implementation of the battery, the primary locus of differences among BatteryItem's concrete subclasses. 


The processData method takes the data deposited in the buffer object and per-trial data structures and performs per-trial processing on them. 


The prepareNextTrial method constructs the per-trial data objects for the next trial.  This method allows us to overlap the perhaps time consuming preparation of the next trial with the often relatively quiescent period at the end of the current trial. 


The finishTrial method simply waits for the trial clock's time to elapse.

BatteryItem methods for:  trial control



      "To do a trial, do the trial start up, run the trial, prepare the next one, 

      and clean up.  We prepare the next trial before waiting for the time

      allotted for the current trial to elapse (which is done in finishTrial)."


      self startTrial.

      self runTrial.

      self prepareNextTrial.

      self finishTrial



      "We'll always end by waiting for the trial clock.  In the interest of tidy

      timing, subclasses that override this method might want to send super

      finishTrial last."


      trialClock wait



      "Do stimulus selection and preparation here.  We allocate a BatteryTrial

      object, and set it up."


      self nextTrial: BatteryTrial new.

      self nextTrial trialNumber: self currentTrialNumber + 1.

      self currentTrialNumber < self trials


                  [self selectNextStimulus.

                  self prepareNextStimulus]



      "This is our generic trial body.  Each trial first collects some data, 

      then processes and stores them."


      self collectData.

      self processData



      "We'll always start by starting up the trial clock.  In the interest of tidy

      timing, subclasses that override this method might want to send super

      startTrial first."


      self trialClock startFor: self trialDuration

BatteryItem methods for:  instance initialization


The methods in this category allocate battery item resources and set default values.


The methods in this category are all called in response to an initialize message to a BatteryItem.  The initialize message zeros the block number instance variable, and sends an allocateResources message to the BatteryItem.  This method then invokes the remainder of the resource allocation code.  They are concerned primarily with the one-time creation or allocation of per-item resources. 


Note that allocateParameters and allocateStimulusGenerator are responsibilities of the concrete subclasses of BatteryItem.  None of the other initialization messages in this incarnation of the battery are overridden.

BatteryItem methods for:  instance initialization



      "Allocate the buffer our A/D system will use.  The A/D system fills a

      pre-existing buffer rather than creating and returning every time it is

      asked to collect data.  The buffer: message stores this buffer somewhere

      until it is needed."


      self buffer: (WaveformCollection channels: self channels points: self points)



      "We will use two timers, a trial timer, and a stimulus presentation timer. 

      We allocate and store these here."


      self trialClock: Clock new.

      self stimulusClock: Clock new



      "Let's use a buffered digitizer for now.  (There is a StreamedDigitizer as

      well.)  Store this somewhere where we can get at it."


      self digitizer: BufferedDigitizer new



      "Let our subclasses deal with this..."


      self subclassResponsibility



      "Create the resources we will be employing to conduct this experiment,

      such as parameter blocks, clocks, buffers, digitizers, stimulus generators,

      sequence generators, and response devices."


      self allocateParameters.

      self allocateClocks.

      self allocateBuffers.

      self allocateDigitizer.

      self allocateStimulusGenerator.

      self allocateSequenceGenerator.

      self allocateResponseDevice



      "Build a button box and save it somewhere."


      self responseDevice:

            (ButtonBox bitA: self inputBitA bitB: self inputBitB usingClock: self stimulusClock)



      "Allocate a sequence generator."


      self sequenceGenerator: SequenceGenerator new



      "Let our subclasses worry about this..."


      self subclassResponsibility



      "Create our block resources, and zero the block counter."


      self blockNumber: 0.

      self allocateResources

BatteryItem methods for:  data collection


Data collection strategies will usually differ sufficiently among different battery items so as to make it necessary for this code to be implemented further down in the inheritance hierarchy.


The collectData method must be implemented by each subclass of BatteryItem to orchestrate the basic data collection sequence for that item.  This method will usually contain a sequence of experimental control and data acquisition method invocations that will together define the heart of the experiment implemented by a given battery item. 


The startDigitizer method will often (always given the current framework) be called from collectData to start the A/D system.

BatteryItem methods for:  data collection



      "Data collection requirements differ from item to item, so our subclasses

      must implement this."


      self subclassResponsibility



      "Start our A/D converter.  We ask ourself for the various parameters we

      need to start this process.  We care not from where these values actually

      come... "


      self digitizer

            collectChannels: self channels

            points: self points

            in: self buffer

            every: self digitizingRate

            thenDo: []

BatteryItem methods for:  data processing


This protocol category contains a set of generic methods for setting up and processing collected data. 


The prepareProcessingFixtures method prepares the data averaging and statistical data accumulation pipelines.  The averaging fixture set up method, prepareAverageFixtures should be provided by subclasses of BatteryItem.  Each subclass will typically call average:using:withLabel: for each average category it wishes to define.


The average:using:withLabel: method constructs a dataflow pipeline that evaluates a given source block after the data for each trial are collected, and forces the result of that block down a pipeline using the indicated valve (conditional) block.  If this valve is open, this result can then flow into the Averager object for the pipeline.  The pipeline is constructed using the pseudo-Stream objects defined in the system category Plumbing-Supplies. 


The average:using:withLabel: method works as follows:  First, an average buffer into which a running average will be accumulated is created.  Next, this buffer (the WaveformCollection) is entered into the average dictionary in the current TrialBlock object using the given label as a key.  Next, a Pump object is created, and a ValueSupply object using the given source block as its source is connected to the input (source) side of the Pump (using the << or connect input message).  Then, the output side of the dataflow pipeline is connected (using >>) to the effluent (sink) side of the pump.  The first stage of the output pipeline is the Valve object, and the final stage is an Averager on the average buffer we created.  Finally, the fixture is entered into an averagePipeline dictionary kept by this instance of BatteryItem.


The tally:using:withLabel: method uses a similar scheme to construct pipelines for incrementally accumulating statistical information using Tally objects.  Tally objects are objects into which pipelined data can be fed that monitor the data that pass through them and accumulate statistical information about those data.  Tally objects can later be asked for statistical characterizations of the data that have passed through them.  (For instance, they can be asked to give a count, or an average, of the data they have seen.)   The nature of the data collected will of course depend on the nature of the Tally object itself.  The pipelined scheme used here allows the nature of strategies for accumulating and processing statistical data to be implemented independently of the contexts in which they are employed.


The prepareStatsFixtures method constructs a set of fixtures for collecting BatteryItem button box response time data.  First, the tally pipeline and tally collection dictionaries are created.  The tally pipeline dictionary holds the root of each pipeline we have built (i.e. its Pump object), so that when the time is right, each pipeline can be told to move data from its ValueSupply block down (Value permitting) to its effluent sink (the Tally object).  The TrialBlock's tally dictionary provides access to the Tally objects at the end of the pipelines for posterity's sake.  The pipeline fixtures and tally objects are entered into these dictionaries by tally:using:withLabel:.  The real work in the prepareStatsFixtures method is performed by calls to tally:using:withLabel:.  


For all three of the pipelines constructed by this method, the values are generated using a block that asks the current trial for its response time.  The pipelines differ in the labels given them, and in the condition under which the pipeline's Valve object will permit the data returned as a result of evaluating the value block to be passed through to the Tally object.  The first pipeline checks only that the value passed it is not nil.  Each of the other two adds at test for whether one or the other of the response buttons was pressed in addition to the test for nil.  Note that the block passed through to the ValueSuppy takes no arguments, while the block passed to the Valve object takes one argument.  When a Valve object is passed a value, it will pass this value in turn to its test block as the block's argument.


The purpose of all of this is to simplify the process of adding new statistical categories to data collection programs.  Using the pipelining scheme, all one would have to do to add a new statistical category is make a single additional call to tally:using:withLabel: to define the new category.  All of the statistical characterizations of which the Tally objects are capable will then be available.  It is interesting to contrast the relative ease of this process with the tangle of additional variables, declarations and code that is typically generated when an experimenter desires that new statistical categories be added to a program using a conventional programming language, such as Fortran.  The pipeline approach encapsulates the details of the statistical collection process, such as the temporary variables, the category criteria, etc.


The processData method is called from runTrial.  It outlines our generic mechanism for dealing with collected data.  First, the subject's response, (if any) is evaluated.  Next, the data for this trial are stored.  Then the per-block averages and statistics are updated.  Finally, the waveform and experimenter log displays are refreshed. 


The system transcript is used as an experimenter log in this implementation of the battery.  Single channel number one of the (single trial) data buffer is displayed in the BatteryItem's WaveformView.


The updateAverages and updateStatistics methods illustrate how data are extracted from the ValueSupply blocks of the plumbing fixtures and are flushed down into the effluent sides of the pipelines.  Each pump object in the average and tally pipeline dictionaries is sent the message nextPut to accomplish this.  The nextPut method moves one value from the intake to the effluent side of a Pump.

BatteryItem methods for:  data processing


average: sourceBlock using: valveBlock withLabel: label

      "Build a fixture dictionary entry."


      | fixture averageBuffer |

      averageBuffer ¬ WaveformCollection channels: self channels points: self points.

      self block averages at: label put: averageBuffer.

      fixture ¬ Pump new.

      fixture << (ValueSupply using: sourceBlock).

      fixture >> (Valve using: valveBlock) >> (Averager on: averageBuffer).

      self averagePipeline at: label put: fixture



      "Let our subclasses deal with this..."


      self subclassResponsibility



      "Prepare the tally and average pipelines."


      self prepareAverageFixtures; prepareStatsFixtures



      "Prepare the tally pipelines."


      self tallyPipeline: (Dictionary new: 10).

      self block tallies: (Dictionary new: 10).


            tally: [self currentTrial responseTime]

            using: [:rt | self currentTrial responseTime ~~ nil]

            withLabel: 'RT Statistics (All trials)'.


            tally: [self currentTrial responseTime]

            using: [:rt | self currentTrial responseTime ~~ nil and:

                  [self currentTrial responseType = #buttonA]]

            withLabel: 'RT Statistics (Button A)'.


            tally: [self currentTrial responseTime]

            using: [:rt | self currentTrial responseTime ~~ nil and:

                  [self currentTrial responseType = #buttonB]]

            withLabel: 'RT Statistics (Button B)'



      "Data collection is complete.  We must now evaluate the digitized data 

      and the subject's response (if any), and update the experimenter's 

      waveform and log displays."


      self evaluateResponse.

      self storeCurrentTrial.

      self updateAverages.

      self updateStatistics.

      self updateWaveformDisplays.

      self updateExperimentalLog

tally: sourceBlock using: valveBlock withLabel: label

      "Build a fixture dictionary entry."


      | fixture tally |

      tally ¬ Tally new.

      self block tallies at: label put: tally.

      fixture ¬ Pump new.

      fixture << (ValueSupply using: sourceBlock).

      fixture >> (Valve using: valveBlock) >> tally.

      self tallyPipeline at: label put: fixture



      "Give our pipeline pumps a little push..."


      self averagePipeline do: [:fixture | fixture nextPut]



      "Write a message for each trial.  We use the System Transcript as the log

      medium. "


      Transcript show: self trialNumber printString , ') '.

      Transcript show: 'Stim: ' , self stimulus category printString , ' '.

      Transcript show: 'Resp: ' , self responseType printString , ' '.

      Transcript show: self responseTime printString , ' ticks'; cr.

      Transcript endEntry



      "Give our pipeline pumps a little push."


      self tallyPipeline do: [:fixture | fixture nextPut]



      "Show a single trial channel for now.  FLECS battery items typically

      show several single trial and average channels.  First, ask our

      parameter's object for the battery browser object we are to use.  Then, ask

      it for its WaveformView.  Change the model for this view to our first

      channel (an arbitrary choice, I admit) and change the view title to

      indicate the current trial number.  Then, send this view a update:

      #waveform message"


      | aBrowser aWaveformView |

      aBrowser ¬ self parameters browser.

      aWaveformView ¬ aBrowser waveformView.

      aWaveformView model: (self buffer at: 1).

      aWaveformView title: 'Trial ' , self trialNumber printString.

      aWaveformView update: #waveform

BatteryItem methods for:  data management


The methods in this category implement a generic data management scheme. 


This implementation of the battery uses a class variable common to all instances of BatteryItem to store a global data dictionary.  The dataDictionary method returns this dictionary. 


Every time a battery item collects a block of data, it enters a DataDictionaryEntry object containing the TrialBlock object into the data dictionary under a name generated by the entryName method.  The entryLabel method provides additional descriptive information.  This label is stored in the DataDictionaryEntry object as well.  


The prepareDataManagement method allocates a new BatteryBlock object, and fills it with a copy of the BatteryItem's own parameter object, and an empty trial array.  It then creates a WriteStream over the trial array, and installs this as the BatteryItem's output stream.  To the rest of the BatteryItem code, outputStream is merely a sink of some sort down which single trial objects can flushed. 


The storeCurrentTrial method copies data from the digitizing buffer into the current trial object, and sends this object down our outputStream. 


The finishDataManagment method is charged with creating the DataDictionaryEntry for a completed block, and storing this entry in the master data dictionary.

BatteryItem methods for:  data management



      "Return our data dictionary.  This is a class variable shared by all

      BatteryItems into which the result of individual battery runs are

      entered. "




      "Just use the item label.  Each entry we make into the

      BatteryDataDictionary will have an entryLabel and an entryName."


      ^self label



      "Return the name parameter with the block number appended.  Each

      entry we make into the BatteryDataDictionary will have an entryLabel

      and an entryName."


      ^self name , ' #' , self blockNumber printString



      "If we got this far, we'll presume that it's okay to enter our data in   

      the data dictionary.  We do so here.  Note that we could just as easily be

       closing a data file or a data stream, should an alternate data 

      management strategy require this.  (Note that from the perspective of the

      rest of the BatteryItem code, the data management scheme appears as one

      in which single trial objects are sent down a WriteStream-like sink.)"


      | anEntry aName |

      aName ¬ self entryName.

      anEntry ¬ DataDictionaryEntry

            entryNamed: aName

            withLabel: self entryLabel

            andData: self block.

      BatteryDataDictionary at: aName put: anEntry



      "Allocate a block data object, and set up a stream over it.  To the bulk of

      our code, the data management scheme will appear as one that requires

      single trials to be sent down some sort of outputStream.  The code will

      care not whether this is a file, a collection, or what have you..."


      | trialArray |

      block ¬ BatteryBlock new.

      block parameters: self parameters shallowCopy.

      trialArray ¬ Array new: self trials.

      block singleTrials: trialArray.

      self outputStream: (WriteStream on: trialArray)



      "Copy the digitized data, and set the current trial on its way down

      whatever it is we are using as an outputStream..."


      self currentTrial data: self buffer deepCopy.

      self outputStream nextPut: currentTrial

BatteryItem methods for:  stimulus control


The battery simulation uses discrete stimulus presentation objects to generate stimulus sequences and present stimuli.  The stimulus control protocol coordinates the various objects involved in stimulus generation. 


The prepareStimulusSequence method sets up a stream from which individual stimuli can be read for each trial.  It does this by first creating a sequence (using the sequenceGenerator) using a given collection of stimulus template objects, a trial count, and a collection of relative stimulus probabilities.  We then set up a SampledStream over this sequence so that we may draw from it in a random order without replacement.  The sequence generation scheme is interesting in that it is constructed using parts (WeightedCollections and SampledStreams) that were much more specific to this application domain earlier in the design process.  The current design broke out these two potentially general components and employs the Unix philosophy of constructing special purpose components by composing a handful of general building blocks rather than building a single special purpose component from scratch.


The selectNextStimulus method merely copies the next stimulus from the stimulus stream into the current trial object.  Note that we make a deepCopy of the stimulus object rather than passing a reference to it.  This is because the stimulus sequence uses multiple references (via the WeightedCollection) rather than copies, and because there is no telling whether a subsequent analysis application might elect to make some destructive reference to one of these objects.  (The issue of when to copy an object or when to pass a reference to it is one that arises frequently in languages like Smalltalk and Lisp.  [Bobrow 86] describes an approach to this sort of problem-based on a lazy copy-upon-destructive-reference-scheme.) 


The turnOnTheStimulus and turnOffTheStimulus methods pass the current stimulus object to this BatteryItem's stimulus generator. 

BatteryItem methods for:  stimulus control



      "Tell our stimulus generator to prepare the stimulus."


      stimulusGenerator prepare: self nextTrial stimulus



      "Prepare a sequence, and set up a stream over it."


      | seq stims count probs |

      stims ¬ self stimuli.

      count ¬ self trials.

      probs ¬ self probabilities.

      seq ¬ self sequenceGenerator

            generateSequenceOn: stims

            withSize: count

            andProbabilities: probs.

      self stimulusSequence: (SampledStream on: seq)



      "Pull the next stimulus from our stimulus sequence, and tell ourself

      what it is."


      self nextTrial stimulus: self stimulusSequence next deepCopy



      "Tell our stimulus generator to turn off the stimulus."


      self stimulusGenerator turnOff: self stimulus



      "Tell our stimulus generator to turn on the stimulus."


      self stimulusGenerator turnOn: self stimulus

BatteryItem methods for:  response control


The battery simulation uses discrete objects for response reporting.  The response control protocol coordinates these.


The response control protocol for battery items consists of two methods.  The enableResponseReporting method passes an enable method on to the response device.  The evaluateResponse method queries the response device, and loads the fields of the returned response into the current trial object.  Note that these values are stored using message sends to self, so that a different data management scheme might easily be substituted.

BatteryItem methods for:  response control



      "Turn on the response device."


      self responseDevice enable



      "Ask the response device for information pertaining to the current

      response, and store it."


      | resp |

      resp ¬ self responseDevice response.

      self responseType: resp responseButton.

      self responseTime: resp responseTime

BatteryItem methods for:  parameter access


These methods translate queries to the battery item into queries to the BatteryItem's BatteryParameter object.  Consult the Battery-Parameters category description for more information on these objects. 


The use of message sends to self insulates the bulk of the code in BatteryItem from changes in the design of the data structures (which have indeed occurred during the evolution of this project).

BatteryItem methods for:  parameter access



      ^self parameters baseline



      ^self parameters channels



      ^self parameters digitizingRate



      ^self parameters inputBitA



      ^self parameters inputBitB



      ^self parameters label



      ^self parameters name



      ^self parameters outputBitA



      ^self parameters outputBitB



      ^self parameters points



      ^self parameters probabilities



      ^self parameters responseMax



      ^self parameters stimuli



      ^self parameters stimulusDuration



      ^self parameters trialDuration



      ^self parameters trials

BatteryItem methods for:  single trial access


These access methods translate sends to self into references to the current single trial data object.  Consult the definition of class BatteryTrial in the Data-Management system category for more information.


The use of message sends to self helps to encapsulate the bulk of the battery item framework from the details of our single trial data management strategy.  This strategy, like the parameter and stimulus management strategies, has evolved considerably since the start of this project.

BatteryItem methods for:  single trial access



      ^self currentTrial data


data: anObject

      ^self currentTrial data: anObject



      ^self currentTrial responseTime


responseTime: time

      ^self currentTrial responseTime: time



      ^self currentTrial responseType


responseType: type

      ^self currentTrial responseType: type



      ^self currentTrial stimulus


stimulus: stim

      ^self currentTrial stimulus: stim



      ^self currentTrial trialNumber


trialNumber: n

      ^self currentTrial trialNumber: n

BatteryItem methods for:  accessing


The methods in this category provide explicit read/write access to all of BatteryItem's instance variables. 


Perhaps the most interesting thing about this protocol category is that it was generated automatically, using

the accessingSubclass: instanceVariableNames: classVariableNames: poolDictionaries: category:  method found on page 289 of the Smalltalk Blue book [Goldberg 83].

BatteryItem methods for:  accessing





averagePipeline: argument

      averagePipeline ¬ argument.






block: argument

      block ¬ argument.





blockNumber: argument

      blockNumber ¬ argument.






buffer: argument

      buffer ¬ argument.






currentTrial: argument

      currentTrial ¬ argument.






currentTrialNumber: argument

      currentTrialNumber ¬ argument.






digitizer: argument

      digitizer ¬ argument.






experimenterLog: argument

      experimenterLog ¬ argument.






nextTrial: argument

      nextTrial ¬ argument.






outputStream: argument

      outputStream ¬ argument.





parameters: argument

      parameters ¬ argument.






responseDevice: argument

      responseDevice ¬ argument.






sequenceGenerator: argument

      sequenceGenerator ¬ argument.






stimulusClock: argument

      stimulusClock ¬ argument.






stimulusGenerator: argument

      stimulusGenerator ¬  argument.






stimulusSequence: argument

      stimulusSequence ¬  argument.






tallyPipeline: argument

      tallyPipeline ¬  argument.






trialClock: argument

      trialClock ¬ argument.





waveformDisplay: argument

      waveformDisplay ¬ argument.


BatteryItem class


class                BatteryItem class

superclass        AccessibleObject class

BatteryItem class methods for:  instance creation


This BatteryItem class category overrides new in order to make sure that an initialize message is sent, and the BatteryDataDictionary is initialized.  See BatteryBrowser class for an example of a use of the defaultItemList method.

BatteryItem class methods for:  instance creation



      "Return a default item list..."


      | list |

      list ¬ OrderedCollection new: 10.

      list add: SternbergTask new.

      list add: ToneOddball new.

      list add: WordOddball new.

      ^list asArray



      "Create a new battery item, send it an initialize message, and return

      the result..."


      | item |

      BatteryDataDictionary isNil ifTrue: [self initialize].

      item ¬ super new.

      item initialize.


BatteryItem class methods for:  instance initialization


The initialize method fcreates a new BatteryDataDictionary.  Thehe standard fileOut format [Krasner 83] generates a <Class> initialize message send for any metaclass that implements an initialize method.

BatteryItem class methods for:  instance initialization



      BatteryDataDictionary ¬ DataDictionary new: 100

BatteryItem class methods for:  category management


This protocol category has served as a repository for a collection of methods I have been using to manage the Smalltalk code for this project.  One can make a case that from the standpoint of design aesthetics, much of this code should reside elsewhere.  Nevertheless, here it is.  It is presented in the hope that some of it might prove of utility to someone entrusted with maintaining a large collection of classes such the one presented here.


The backUpEverything  method first files out all the categories in the list returned by the batteryCategories method as separate <Category-Name>.st files using the fileOutCategories: method.  It then files out these same categories into a single file named '' using the fileOutCategories:on: method.  Then it files out the changes set [Goldberg 85] to '' using the fileOutChangesOn: method. 


The fileOutBundledCategories:on: method creates a Unix shar archive file that can create a set of individual system category *.st files on a Unix system.  (Use the Bourne shell).  The comment at the beginning of this method givens an example of how one might use the matchSystemCategories: method.


The print out messages printOutBundledCategories:on:, printOutCategories and printOutCategories:on: are similar in function to the analogous file out messages, except that they create Unix troff ready output files.  These may be processed along with a macro file named using the command:  rditroff -ms <name>.  (The file should be in the default directory when rditroff  is run.)  The Smalltalk code to generate troff ready output was derived from code from the Berkeley Smalltalk distribution kit [Krasner 83].

BatteryItem class methods for:  category management



      "Update all our back up files..."  "BatteryItem backUpEverything"


      BatteryItem fileOutCategories: BatteryItem batteryCategories.


            fileOutCategories: BatteryItem batteryCategories

            on: (FileStream fileNamed: '').


            fileOutChangesOn: (FileStream fileNamed: '')



      "Return all the battery project categories..."


      ^#('Battery-Items' 'Battery-Parameters' 'Stimulus-Generators' 'Stimulus-Support' 'Sequence-Support' 'Response-Support' 'Data-Management' 'Realtime-Support' 'Realtime-Devices' 'Waveform-Support' 'Random-Support' 'Plumbing-Support' 'Linear-Algebra' 'Source-Hacking' 'Accessible-Objects' 'Interface-Battery' 'Interface-Protocol' )


fileOutBundledCategories: categories on: aFileStream

      "BatteryItem fileOutBundledCategories: (BatteryItem matchSystemCategories: 'Int*') on:

      (FileStream fileNamed: '')"


      | file line |

      categories do:

            [:category |

            Transcript cr; show: '--> ' , category.

            file ¬ 'troff.' , category.

            file ¬ file copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: '_'.

            line ¬ 'echo "--> "' , file.

            aFileStream nextPutAll: line; cr.

            line ¬ 'cat > ' , file , ' << ''!!Hehehehe...!!'''.

            aFileStream nextPutAll: line; cr.

            SystemOrganization fileOutCategory: category on: aFileStream.

            aFileStream cr; nextPutAll: '!!Hehehehe...!!'; cr].

      aFileStream shorten; close


fileOutCategories: categories

      "BatteryItem fileOutCategories: BatteryItem batteryCategories"


      categories do:

            [:category |

            Transcript cr; show: '--> ' , category.

            SystemOrganization fileOutCategory: category]


fileOutCategories: categories on: aFileStream

      "BatteryItem fileOutCategories:  BatteryItem batteryCategories on:

      (FileStream fileNamed: '')"


      categories do:

            [:category |

            Transcript cr; show: '--> ' , category.

            SystemOrganization fileOutCategory: category on: aFileStream.

            aFileStream cr].

      aFileStream shorten; close


fileOutChangesOn: aFileStream

      "BatteryItem fileOutChangesOn: (FileStream fileNamed: '')"


      "Remove old DoIt code, and file out changes..."

      Smalltalk allBehaviorsDo:

            [:class | class removeSelector: #DoIt; removeSelector: #DoItIn:].

      aFileStream fileOutChanges





fileOutComments: categories on: aFileStream

      "BatteryItem fileOutComments:  BatteryItem batteryCategories on:

      (FileStream fileNamed: 'Project-Sources.comments')"


      categories do:

            [:category |

            Transcript cr; show: '--> ' , category.

            SystemOrganization fileOutComments: category on: aFileStream.

            aFileStream cr].

      aFileStream shorten; close


matchSystemCategories: pattern

      "Return a collection of category names that matches the given pattern..."


      ^SystemOrganization categories select: [:category | pattern match: category]


printOutBundledCategories: categories on: aFileStream

      "BatteryItem printOutBundledCategories: (BatteryItem matchSystemCategories: 'Int*') on:

      (FileStream fileNamed: 'shar.troff.Interface-Stuff')"


      | file line |

      categories do:

            [:category |

            file ¬ 'troff.' , category.

            file ¬ file copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: '_'.

            line ¬ 'echo "--> "' , file.

            aFileStream nextPutAll: line; cr.

            line ¬ 'cat > ' , file , ' << ''!!Hehehehe...!!'''.

            aFileStream nextPutAll: line; cr.

            Object printOutStartUp: aFileStream.

            Object printOutTimeStamp: aFileStream.

            SystemOrganization printOutCategory: category on: aFileStream.

            aFileStream cr; nextPutAll: '!!Hehehehe...!!'; cr].

      aFileStream shorten; close


printOutCategories: categories

      "Print out a list of categories..."

      "BatteryItem printOutCategories: BatteryItem batteryCategories"

      "BatteryItem printOutCategories: (BatteryItem matchSystemCategories: 'Int*')"


      categories do: [:category | SystemOrganization printOutCategory: category]

printOutCategories: categories on: aFileStream

      "BatteryItem printOutCategories: BatteryItem batteryCategories on: (FileStream

      fileNamed: 'troff.Project-Sources')"


      Object printOutStartUp: aFileStream.

      Object printOutTimeStamp: aFileStream.

      categories do:

            [:category |

            SystemOrganization printOutCategory: category on: aFileStream.

            aFileStream cr].

      aFileStream shorten; close


      "Brian Foote  9/28/86  Added start up and time stamp calls..."


BatteryItem initialize



Class SternbergTask implements a visual Sternberg memory task [Sternberg 69] on top of the ERP/oddball framework present in BatteryItem.  The variation on the Sternberg paradigm presented here involves the presentation to a subject, for each trial, of a set of characters or digits called a memory set.  The subject is instructed to remember the characters in the memory set.  After the memory set is removed from the screen, the subject is presented with another character called a probe.  The subject's task is to indicated whether the probe belongs to the memory set.  A trial in which the probe was in fact drawn from the memory set is a positive  trial.  One in which the probe was not drawn from the memory set is anegative  trial. 


class name      SternbergTask

superclass        BatteryItem

instance variable names






















class variable names


category          Battery-Items








SternbergTask methods for:  instance initialization


The allocateParameters and allocateStimulusGenerator methods implement item specific parameter and stimulus generator resource allocation code.

SternbergTask methods for:  instance initialization



      "Allocate our parameter object."


      self parameters: SternbergTaskParameters new



      "Build our stimulus generator."


      self stimulusGenerator: SternbergDisplayGenerator new

SternbergTask methods for:  data collection


The collectData method defines the experimental control and data acquisition strategy for the Sternberg task battery item.  The remainder of the methods in this protocol category are inherited from BatteryItem.  First, the A/D system is started.  Then, the memory set is prepared, and trial clock is instructed to wait until a baseline period (relative to the start of the trial) has elapsed.  The memory set is then presented for an appropriate amount of time, and turned off.


The pattern for presenting the actual stimulus (i.e. the probe) is similar.  First, a probe is prepared.  The program then waits until the time at which the probe is to be presented arrives.  Then, a timer is started so that there will be a timebase relative to the stimulus onset.  Next, the probe is turned on, and the response reporting system is enabled.  When the stimulus duration has elapsed, the stimulus is turned off.


When all the data have been collected, a check is made to see whether additional time is necessary for subject response data collection.

SternbergTask methods for:  data collection



      "Do Sternberg data collection."


"First, start the A/D converter..."

      self startDigitizer.


"Now, prepare the memory set, and present it..."

      self prepareTheMemorySet.

      self trialClock waitUntil: self memorySetBaseline.

      self turnOnTheMemorySet.

      self trialClock waitUntil: self memorySetBaseline + self memorySetDuration.

      self turnOffTheMemorySet.


"Next, start the stimulus clock and turn on the stimulus.

      Enable response reporting too.  Then wait until the stimulus 

      duration has elapsed, and turn off the stimulus..."

      self prepareTheProbe.

      self trialClock waitUntil: self probeBaseline.

      self stimulusClock startFor: self trialDuration - self probeBaseline.

      self turnOnTheProbe.

      self enableResponseReporting.

      self stimulusClock waitUntil: self stimulusDuration.

      self turnOffTheProbe.


"Finally, wait for the digitizer to finish.

if the RT wait time is greater than the digitizing time,

wait that out..."

      self digitizer wait.

      self stimulusClock waitUntil: self responseMax

SternbergTask methods for:  stimulus control


The methods in this protocol category embody a substantial proportion of the code that makes the SternbergTask battery item distinct.


The prepareNextStimulus method selects both a memory set and a probe for the next trial.  The way in which the memory set is selected shows a novel application of SampledStreams.  The memory set should be a set of a given size drawn at random (without replacement) from a given vocabulary of characters. 


This set is constructed as follows:  First, a SampledStream is created over the BatteryItem's vocabulary string.  Then an empty output string (the memory set) is created, and a WriteStream is defined over it (memorySetStream).  The memory set is constructed by moving the appropriate number of characters from the input (sampled) stream to the output stream.  The underlying collection of this output stream is the memory set, which can then be used.


The probe is selected and prepared as follows:  If a positive trial is called for, a single character is selected at random, using a RandomStream (sample with replacement) over the memory set.  If a negative probe is required, the next character in the vocabulary stream that was used to create the memory set, from which the memory set has already been drawn, is selected as the stimulus character.


The prepareTheMemorySet method simply forwards the current stimulus descriptor to the stimulus generator.  The remaining methods in this protocol category similarly forward stimulus manipulation requests to the stimulus generator.

SternbergTask methods for:  stimulus control



      "Select a memory set and a probe."


      |vocabularyStream memorySet memorySetStream |

      vocabularyStream ¬ SampledStream on: self vocabulary.

      memorySet ¬ String new: self memorySetSize.

      memorySetStream ¬ WriteStream on: memorySet.

      self memorySetSize timesRepeat: [memorySetStream nextPut: vocabularyStream next].

      self nextTrial stimulus memorySet: memorySet.

      self nextTrial stimulus category = #positive

            ifTrue: [ self nextTrial stimulus probe:

                  (RandomStream on: memorySet) next asSymbol asString ]

            ifFalse: [self nextTrial stimulus probe:

                  vocabularyStream next asSymbol asString]



      "Tell our stimulus generator to get the memory set ready."


      self stimulusGenerator prepareMemorySet: self currentTrial stimulus



      "Tell our stimulus generator to get the memory set ready."


      self stimulusGenerator prepareProbe: self currentTrial stimulus



      "Tell our stimulus generator to turn off the memory set."


      self stimulusGenerator turnOffMemorySet: self currentTrial stimulus


      "Tell our stimulus generator to turn off the probe."


      self stimulusGenerator turnOffProbe: self currentTrial stimulus



      "Tell our stimulus generator to turn on the memory set."


      self stimulusGenerator turnOnMemorySet: self currentTrial stimulus



      "Tell our stimulus generator to turn on the probe."


      self stimulusGenerator turnOnProbe: self currentTrial stimulus

SternbergTask methods for:  parameter access


The methods in this category add BatteryItem access methods for the fields that the SternbergTaskParameters object adds to the BatteryParameters object.

SternbergTask methods for:  parameter access



      ^self parameters memorySetBaseline



      ^self parameters memorySetDuration



      ^self parameters memorySetSize



      ^self parameters probeBaseline



      ^self parameters probeDuration



      ^self parameters vocabulary

SternbergTask methods for:  data processing


Each concrete battery item provides its own prepareAverageFixtures method.  This is necessary to take into account item specific stimulus characteristics and labeling requirements.   A detailed discussion of the mechanics of fixture preparation can be found in the discussion of this protocol category given for class BatteryItem.

SternbergTask methods for:  data processing



      "Prepare the average pipelines."


      self averagePipeline: (Dictionary new: 10).

      self block averages: (Dictionary new: 10).


            average: [self currentTrial data]

            using: [:data | true]

            withLabel: 'Average (All trials)'.


            average: [self currentTrial data]

            using: [:data | self currentTrial stimulus category = #positive]

            withLabel: 'Average (Positive)'.


            average: [self currentTrial data]

            using: [:data | self currentTrial stimulus category = #negative]

            withLabel: 'Average (Negative)'

SternbergTask class


class                SternbergTask class

superclass        BatteryItem class

SternbergTask class methods for:  examples


The example1 method shows how one might execute a sample block of trials.  Note that before a block can be run, the Timebase object must have been initialized.  In practice, battery blocks will usually be run by pressing the run button after having selected an item in the battery browser.

SternbergTask class methods for:  examples



      "SternbergTask example1"


      Timebase initialize.

      SternbergTask new doBlock



The ToneOddball class implements a simple auditory oddball experiment [Duncan-Johnson 77].  In this experiment, a subject is presented with one of two tones.  The subject can be instructed to count one of the tones, and ignore the other.  The subject can also be told to press a button in response to one or both stimulus categories.  A frequent manipulation is to vary the relative frequency of the two stimulus categories.


class name      ToneOddball

superclass        BatteryItem

instance variable names






















class variable names


pool dictionaries

category          Battery-Items








ToneOddball methods for:  instance initialization


The allocateParameters and allocateStimulusGenerator methods implement item specific parameter and stimulus generator resource allocation code.

ToneOddball methods for:  instance initialization



      "Allocate our parameter object."


      self parameters: ToneOddballParameters new



      "Build our stimulus generator."


      | bitA bitB |

      bitA ¬ self outputBitA.

      bitB ¬  self outputBitB.

      self stimulusGenerator: (ToneGenerator bitA: bitA bitB: bitB)

ToneOddball methods for:  parameter access

ToneOddball methods for:  parameter access



      ^self parameters outputBitA



      ^self parameters outputBitB

ToneOddball methods for:  data collection


The collectData method specifies the experimental control and data acquisition scheme used for this item.  First, the digitizer is started.  Then the method waits for a baseline period, relative to the start of this trial, to elapse.  Next, the stimulus timer is started.  Immediately thereafter, the stimulus is turned on and response reporting is enabled.  When the stimulus presentation period has elapsed, the stimulus is turned off.  The method then waits until data collection is complete, and the response window time has elapsed.

ToneOddball methods for:  data collection



      "Do tone oddball data collection."


"First, start the A/D converter, and wait until the baseline elapses..."

      self startDigitizer.

      self trialClock waitUntil: self baseline.


"Next, start the stimulus clock and turn on the stimulus.

Enable response reporting too.  Then wait until the stimulus 

duration has elapsed, and turn off the stimulus..."

      self stimulusClock startFor: self trialDuration - self baseline.

      self turnOnTheStimulus.

      self enableResponseReporting.

      self stimulusClock waitUntil: self stimulusDuration.

      self turnOffTheStimulus.


"Finally, wait for the digitizer to finish.

If the RT wait time is greater than the digitizing time,

wait that out..."

      self digitizer wait.

      self stimulusClock waitUntil: self responseMax

ToneOddball methods for:  data processing


Each concrete battery item provides its own prepareAverageFixtures method.  This is necessary to take into account item specific stimulus characteristics and labeling requirements.   A detailed discussion of the mechanics of fixture preparation can be found in the discussion of this protocol category given for class BatteryItem.

ToneOddball methods for:  data processing



      "Prepare the average pipelines."


      self averagePipeline: (Dictionary new: 10).

      self block averages: (Dictionary new: 10).


            average: [self currentTrial data]

            using: [:data | true]

            withLabel: 'Average (All trials)'.


            average: [self currentTrial data]

            using: [:data | self currentTrial stimulus category = #catA]

            withLabel: 'Average (Category A)'.


            average: [self currentTrial data]

            using: [:data | self currentTrial stimulus category = #catB]

            withLabel: 'Average (Category B)'

ToneOddball class


class                ToneOddball class

superclass        BatteryItem class

ToneOddball class methods for:  examples


The example1 method shows how one might execute a sample block of trials.  Note that before a block can be run, the Timebase object must have been initialized.  In practice, battery blocks will usually be run by pressing the run button after having selected an item in the battery browser.

ToneOddball class methods for:  examples



      "ToneOddball example1"


      Timebase initialize.

      ToneOddball new doBlock



The WordOddball class implements a visual semantic oddball task [Donchin  81].  In this experiment, a subject is presented with a random word drawn from one of two categories.  The subject must count or respond as with the ToneOddball.


It is instructive to point out that to implement a concrete BatteryItem, it is necessary for an experiment to implement just four methods:  allocateParameters, allocateStimulusGenerator, collectData, and prepareAverageFixtures.  To fully exploit the battery framework, an experimenter might also need to create new subclasses of BatteryParameter, StimulusGenerator, and Stimulus hierarchies.


class name      WordOddball

superclass        BatteryItem

instance variable names






















class variable names


category          Battery-Items








WordOddball methods for:  instance initialization


Subclasses of BatteryItem are required to provide implementations of two standard resource allocation messages:  allocateParameters, and allocateStimulusGenerator.  (Both are defined as being subclass responsibilities in BatteryItem.)  The allocateParameters method simply ensures that a parameter object belonging to the correct class is allocated.   The allocateStimulusGenerator message's task is potentially more complicated.  It must ensure that an instance of some sort of StimulusGenerator appropriate to the type of battery item being constructed is created and initialized. 


The battery simulation has attempted to separate battery items and (simulated) stimulus generation equipment so that stimulus generators might be mixed and matched among several different battery items.  Frequently, the major differences among a collection of experimental designs will be in sorts of stimuli they employ.  By separating the stimulus generation code from the rest of the experimental code, the reusability of both should be enhanced.


The stimulus generation and response reporting hierarchies are examples of places in this battery simulation where tasks handled in the original CPL battery by (simulated) inheritance are now handled by discrete components.  The evolution of inheritance frameworks into component frameworks is discussed in Chapter VI. 


The allocateParameters and allocateStimulusGenerator methods implement item specific parameter and stimulus generator resource allocation code.  Of interest here is the scheme we use in allocateStimulusGenerator for implementing our random word lists.  A dictionary of streams is created which is keyed by the two stimulus categories.  Each stream is a RandomStream over a vocabulary array.  Since RandomStreams sample with replacement, they will provide, each time they are asked, a random word from their respective underlying vocabularies.  This dictionary, once constructed, is given to a newly created WordGenerator (a subclass of StimulusGenerator).

WordOddball methods for:  instance initialization



      "Allocate our parameter object."


      self parameters: WordOddballParameters new




      "Build our stimulus generator."


      | streamDictionary animals vegetables |

      streamDictionary ¬ Dictionary new: 2.

      animals ¬ #(dog cat mouse ).

      vegetables ¬ #(carrot potato tomato ).

      streamDictionary at: #animal put: (RandomStream on: animals).

      streamDictionary at: #vegetable put: (RandomStream on: vegetables).

      self stimulusGenerator: (WordGenerator on: streamDictionary)

WordOddball methods for:  data collection


Each subclass of BatteryItem is required to implement a collectData method.  This method conducts the basic per-trial data collection and experimental control activity for each battery item.


The collectData method specifies experimental control and data acquisition scheme used for this item.  First, the digitizer is started.  Then the method waits for a baseline period, relative to the start of this trial, to elapse.  Then, the stimulus timer is started.  Immediately thereafter, the method turns on the stimulus and enable response reporting.  When the stimulus presentation period has elapsed, the stimulus is turned off.  The method then waits until data collection is complete, and the response window time has elapsed.


The perceptive reader will note that the collectData method given here is identical to the one given in ToneOddball.  I could have either defined an intermediate abstract calls (say, SimpleOddball) between BatteryItem and these two classes to take advantage of this.  Alternately, I could have made this implementation of collectData the default in BatteryItem itself.  That I did neither is in recognition of the fact that in a somewhat fuller battery simulation, detail that would distinguish a larger set of applications from one another would quickly emerge at this level, just as it does in the SternbergTask battery item.

WordOddball methods for:  data collection



      "Do word oddball data collection."


"First, start the A/D converter, and wait until the baseline elapses..."

      self startDigitizer.

      self trialClock waitUntil: self baseline.


"Next, start the stimulus clock and turn on the stimulus.

Enable response reporting too.  Then wait until the stimulus 

duration has elapsed, and turn off the stimulus..."

      self stimulusClock startFor: self trialDuration - self baseline.

      self turnOnTheStimulus.

      self enableResponseReporting.

      self stimulusClock waitUntil: self stimulusDuration.

      self turnOffTheStimulus.


"Finally, wait for the digitizer to finish.

If the RT wait time is greater than the digitizing time,

wait that out..."

      self digitizer wait.

      self stimulusClock waitUntil: self responseMax

WordOddball methods for:  data processing


Each concrete battery item must provide its own prepareAverageFixtures method.  This is necessary to take into account item specific stimulus characteristics and labeling requirements.   A detailed discussion of the mechanics of fixture preparation can be found in the discussion of this protocol category given for class BatteryItem.

WordOddball methods for:  data processing



      "Prepare the average pipelines."


      self averagePipeline: (Dictionary new: 10).

      self block averages: (Dictionary new: 10).


            average: [self currentTrial data]

            using: [:data | true]

            withLabel: 'Average (All trials)'.


            average: [self currentTrial data]

            using: [:data | self currentTrial stimulus category = #catA]

            withLabel: 'Average (Category A)'.


            average: [self currentTrial data]

            using: [:data | self currentTrial stimulus category = #catB]

            withLabel: 'Average (Category B)'

WordOddball class


class                WordOddball class

superclass        BatteryItem class

WordOddball class methods for:  examples


The example1 method shows how one might execute a sample block of trials.  Note that before a block can be run, the Timebase object must have been initialized.  In practice, battery blocks will usually be run by pressing the run button after having selected an item in the battery browser.

WordOddball class methods for:  examples



      "WordOddball example1"


      Timebase initialize.

      WordOddball new doBlock



The Battery-Parameters system category contains the following classes:


      BatteryParameters                         Houses common BatteryItem parameters

      SternbergTaskParameters          Adds SternbergTask specific parameters

      ToneOddballParameters              Adds ToneOddball specific parameters

      WordOddballParameters             Adds WordOddball specific parameters


These parameter objects are in effect records or dictionaries that contain those values that can be edited and modified by the experimenter.  (In fact, since these objects are subclasses of AccessibleObject, they can be treated as records or dictionaries.) 


Parameter objects are distinct objects rather than parts of the items themselves for several reasons.  One is that, as separate objects, they can be copied and archived along with the collected data without recording the entire state of the item itself.  This distinction between the parameter objects and the item objects could become more significant should an external data management scheme be implemented.  The second reason for keeping parameter objects separate is to distinguish values that should be presented to the user for alteration via the battery user interface from the battery item's other instance variables.  Parameter objects might also serve as a components in a more general (and yet to be designed) user parameter management/interface scheme.



class name      BatteryParameters

superclass        AccessibleObject

instance variable names


















category          Battery-Parameters








BatteryParameters methods for:  instance initialization


These two methods establish default values for each basic parameter.  Note that by default data are written to the data dictionary, and that the probability and stimuli fields are Arrays.

BatteryParameters methods for:  instance initialization



      "Set out our defaults..."


      baseline ¬ 1.

      channels ¬  1.

      points ¬  10.

      digitizingRate ¬  1.

      responseMax ¬  9.

      stimulusDuration ¬  2.

      trialDuration ¬ 15.

      trials ¬ 10.

      writeDataFlag ¬  True.

      probabilities ¬ #(0.5 0.5).

      stimuli ¬ #(catA catB)


      "Set defaults and return ourself..."


      self establishDefaults.


BatteryParameters methods for:  accessing


These methods allow explicit read/write access to all of this object's fields using the conventional record style protocol.  (Note that since we are a subclass of AccessibleObject, all these messages would have functioned correctly anyway, albeit much less quickly.)

BatteryParameters methods for:  accessing





baseline: argument

      baseline ¬  argument.






channels: argument

      channels ¬  argument.






digitizingRate: argument

      digitizingRate ¬ argument.






inputBitA: argument

      inputBitA ¬ argument.






inputBitB: argument

      inputBitB ¬ argument.






label: argument

      label ¬ argument.






name: argument

      name ¬ argument.






points: argument

      points ¬ argument.






probabilities: argument

      probabilities ¬ argument.






responseMax: argument

      responseMax ¬ argument.






stimuli: argument

      stimuli ¬ argument.






stimulusDuration: argument

      stimulusDuration ¬ argument.






trialDuration: argument

      trialDuration ¬ argument.





trials: argument

      trials ¬ argument.






writeDataFlag: argument

      writeDataFlag ¬ argument.


BatteryParameter class


class                BatteryParameter class

superclass        AccessibleObject class

BatteryParameters class methods for:  instance creation


The new method is overridden here to enforce the convention that each new object must explicitly call an initialize method.

BatteryParameters class methods for:  instance creation



      "Create a new parameter object and initialize it..."


      ^super new initialize



class name      SternbergTaskParameters

superclass        BatteryParameters

instance variable names

























class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Battery-Parameters








SternbergTaskParameters methods for:  instance initialization


The establishDefaults method overrides the one given in BatteryParameters so that values can be established for item specific parameters.  Note that its first official act is to initialize the common parameters via a call to its superclass.

SternbergTaskParameters methods for:  instance initialization



      "Do Sternberg defaults... "


      | positive negative |

      super establishDefaults.

      memorySetBaseline ¬ 1.

      memorySetDuration ¬ 1.

      memorySetSize ¬  3.


      probeBaseline ¬ 4.

      probeDuration ¬ 1.

      positive ¬ SternbergStimulus new.

      positive category: #positive.

      negative ¬ SternbergStimulus new.

      negative category: #negative.

      stimuli ¬ Array with: positive with: negative.

      name  ¬ 'Sternberg/ERP Task'.

      label ¬ 'Sternberg/ERP Experiment'

SternbergTaskParameters methods for:  accessing


Allow explicit read/write access to all of this object's fields using the conventional record style protocol.  (Note that since SternbergTaskParameters is a subclass of AccessibleObject, all these messages would have functioned correctly anyway, albeit much less quickly.)

SternbergTaskParameters methods for:  accessing





memorySetBaseline: argument

      memorySetBaseline ¬  argument.






memorySetDuration: argument

      memorySetDuration ¬ argument.






memorySetSize: argument

      memorySetSize ¬ argument.





probeBaseline: argument

      probeBaseline ¬ argument.






probeDuration: argument

      probeDuration ¬ argument.






vocabulary: argument

      vocabulary ¬ argument.




class name      ToneOddballParameters

superclass        BatteryParameters

instance variable names





















class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Battery-Parameters








ToneOddballParameters methods for:  instance initialization


The establishDefaults method overrides the one given in BatteryParameters so that values can be established for of this object's item specific parameters.  Note that its first official act is to initialize the common parameters via a call to its superclass.

ToneOddballParameters methods for:  instance initialization



      "Do ToneOddball defaults... "


      | toneA toneB |

      super establishDefaults.

      toneA ¬ ToneStimulus new.

      toneA primary: #toneA ; category: #catA.

      toneB ¬ ToneStimulus new.

      toneB primary: #toneB ; category: #catB.

      stimuli ¬ Array with: toneA with: toneB.

      outputBitA ¬ 0.

      outputBitB ¬ 1.

      name ¬ 'Tone Oddball'.

      label ¬  'Auditory Oddball Experiment'

ToneOddballParameters methods for:  accessing


Allow explicit read/write access to all of this object's fields using the conventional record style protocol.  (Note that since ToneOddballParameters is a subclass of AccessibleObject, all these messages would have functioned correctly anyway, albeit much less quickly.)

ToneOddballParameters methods for:  accessing





outputBitA: argument

      outputBitA ¬ argument.






outputBitB: argument

      outputBitB ¬ argument.




class name      WordOddballParameters

superclass        BatteryParameters

instance variable names


















class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Battery-Parameters








WordOddballParameters methods for:  instance initialization


The establishDefaults method overrides the one given in BatteryParameters so that values can be established for this object's item specific parameters.

WordOddballParameters methods for: instance initialization



      "Do WordOddball defaults... "


      | animal vegetable |

      super establishDefaults.

      animal ¬ WordStimulus new.

      animal primary: #animal ; category: #catA.

      vegetable ¬ WordStimulus new.

      vegetable primary: #vegetable ; category: #catB.

      stimuli ¬ Array with: animal with: vegetable.

      name ¬ 'Word Oddball'.

      label ¬ 'Animal/vegetable Oddball Experiment'



These classes simulate the hardware and software one would normally use to generate experimental stimuli.  These classes might provide a basis for a mix-and-match stimulus generation capability in a fuller battery simulation. 


Stimulus generator objects are designed to be self-contained embodiments of specific stimulus generation schemes.  Since these schemes themselves vary with experimental designs as well as with the basic hardware and software characteristics of the stimulus generators, the external protocols for these objects vary as well.  Note that though the stimulus generator classes defined here exactly mirror the BatteryItem hierarchy, this might not necessarily be the case in a fuller simulation.


The StimulusGenerator hierarchy shows how a portion of the battery simulation that was formerly embedded in the BatteryItem hierarchy has, under Smalltalk, evolved into a separate part of the overall battery framework.  The reuse of pluggable, black-box components is, all other things being equal, preferable to reuse via inheritance.  The identification of components that may be factored out of an inheritance hierarchy in this fashion is usually possible only after several iterations through the design process.  (This issue is discussed in detail in Chapter VI.)   


Indeed, the StimulusGenerator hierarchy is in some respects still in transition between membership in the original battery hierarchy and clean isolation from it.  The degree of coupling seen in the interface between each battery item and these classes is still somewhat high.


One very intriguing route by which this coupling might be reduced is via the introduction of parallelism.  Under such an approach, stimulus generators would run in parallel with battery items, with both tied to the same underlying timebase.  Such an approach would simplify both the battery item stimulus coordination code, and the stimulus sequencing code in this stimulus generators.  Hence, the use of parallelism could greatly increase the generality and reusability of components of both hierarchies.


Realtime application programs frequently exhibit a structure in which the mainline code must explicitly schedule sequences of otherwise unrelated events.  The use of parallel processes can free the designer from this temporal yoke. 


The classes in this category are:


      StimulusGenerator                        Abstract StimulusGenerator superclass

      SternbergDisplayGenerator        The SternbergTask stimulus generator

      ToneGenerator                               The ToneOddball stimulus generator

      WordGenerator                               The WordOddball stimulus generator



The StimulusGenerator class is an abstract superclass for a family of stimulus generation objects.  It defines a common, default protocol for stimulus generators.


class name      StimulusGenerator

superclass        Object

instance variable names

class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Stimulus-Generators







StimulusGenerator methods for:  instance initialization

StimulusGenerator methods for:  instance initialization



      "Provide nothing as our default behavior..."



StimulusGenerator methods for:  stimulus control


This protocol defines a default stimulus control protocol to which most clients of any subclass of StimulusGenerator will subscribe.  Note that not all subclasses of StimulusGenerator will override all these methods.  In these cases, the default action (given below) will be to do nothing.  Some subclasses of StimulusGenerator will need to provide a superset of the protocol given below for stimulus control.  Such classes will add additional methods to this protocol.

StimulusGenerator methods for:  stimulus control



      "Default shall be to do nothing..."


prepare: aStimulus

      "Default shall be to do nothing..."



      "Default shall be to do nothing..."


turnOff: aStimulus

      "Default shall be to do nothing..."


turnOn: aStimulus

      "Default shall be to do nothing..."

StimulusGenerator class


class                StimulusGenerator class

superclass        Object class

StimulusGenerator class methods for:  instance creation

StimulusGenerator class methods for:  instance creation



      "Return an initialized instance..."


      ^super new initialize



The SternbergDisplayGenerator class simulates the hardware and software that one would employ to generate the stimuli for a Sternberg task.


class name      SternbergDisplayGenerator

superclass        StimulusGenerator

instance variable names

class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Stimulus-Generators







SternbergDisplayGenerator methods for:  stimulus control


Since the stimulus control scheme for a Sternberg task is different from the generic oddball scheme outlined in StimulusGenerator, we override the default (do nothing) behaviors for the default StimulusGenerator protocol using shouldNotImplement.  The display device itself is simulated by writing the stimulus to the Smalltalk system transcript.  Other messages in the stimulus generation protocol simply do nothing what so ever in this simulation. 


This class is probably misplaced in the StimulusGenerator hierarchy.  The fact that it in effect removes nearly the entire StimulusGenerator protocol is evidence that this hierarchy needs reorganization.  This class is an example of a stimulus generation scheme that uses multiple stimulus events.  In the CPL Battery, two items exhibited this structure.  The other items exhibited the simpler structure that is reflected in the standard protocol for stimulus generation given in StimulusGenerator.


I deferred a major reorganization of this hierarchy in recognition of the potential a process-based organization might bring to the battery framework.

SternbergDisplayGenerator methods for:  stimulus control


prepare: aStimulus

      "We distinguish between probes and memory sets, so we don't do this..."


      self shouldNotImplement


prepareMemorySet: aStimulus

      "Do nothing here for now..."


prepareProbe: aStimulus

      "Do nothing here for now..."


turnOff: aStimulus

      "We distinguish between probes and memory sets, so we don't do this..."


      self shouldNotImplement


turnOffMemorySet: aStimulus

      "Do nothing here for now..."


turnOffProbe: aStimulus

      "Do nothing here for now..."


turnOn: aStimulus

      "We distinguish between probes and memory sets, so we don't do this..."


      self shouldNotImplement


turnOnMemorySet: aStimulus

      "Just write the memory set to the transcript for now..."


      Transcript show: '--> Memory Set:  ' , aStimulus memorySet; cr; endEntry


turnOnProbe: aStimulus

      "Just write the probe to the transcript for now..."


      Transcript show: '--> Probe:  ' , aStimulus probe; cr; endEntry



The ToneGenerator class simulates a digital output driven two channel tone generator.  Tones are generated by sending set and clear messages to instances of OutputBit.


class name      ToneGenerator

superclass        StimulusGenerator

instance variable names



class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Stimulus-Generators







ToneGenerator methods for:  accessing


These methods provide read/write access to the instance variables that house the instances of OutputBit that activate the (simulated) tone generators.

ToneGenerator methods for:  accessing



      "Return the output bit for the first tone..."




bitA: aBit

      "Set the output bit for the first tone..."


      ^bitA ¬ aBit



      "Return the output bit for the second tone..."




bitB: aBit

      "Set the output bit for the second tone..."


      ^bitB ¬ aBit

ToneGenerator methods for:  stimulus control


The methods in this category simulate a digital output bit driven tone generation scheme. 


When a block is begun, the startBlock method sends clear messages to both the output bits to ensure that they are off.  The same thing occurs at the end of a block in finishBlock. 


The turnOn: and turnOff: methods both accept a stimulus descriptor, and check its primary stimulus field.  If this field is #toneA, the output bit A is affected, and if it is #toneB, output bit B is affected.

ToneGenerator methods for:  stimulus control



      "Make sure both our bits are off..."


      bitA clear.

      bitB clear



      "Make sure both our bits are off..."


      bitA clear.

      bitB clear


turnOff: aStimulus

      "Turn off the bit indicated as the primary stimulus by the Stimulus object

      that was passed to us..."


      | primary |

      primary ¬ aStimulus primary.

      primary == #toneA ifTrue: [bitA clear. ^self].

      primary == #toneB ifTrue: [bitB clear. ^self].

      self error: 'Bad stimulus...'


turnOn: aStimulus

      "Turn on the bit indicated as the primary stimulus by the Stimulus object

      that was passed to us..."


      | primary |

      primary ¬ aStimulus primary.

      primary == #toneA ifTrue: [bitA set. ^self].

      primary == #toneB ifTrue: [bitB set. ^self].

      self error: 'Bad stimulus...'

ToneGenerator class


class                ToneGenerator class

superclass        StimulusGenerator class

ToneGenerator class methods for:  instance creation


The bitA:bitB: message provides a shorthand for creating a ToneGenerator and assigning it a pair of output bits.  (Perhaps new should be overridden to make this form of initialization mandatory.)

ToneGenerator class methods for:  instance creation


bitA: a bitB: b

      "Create a tone generator, and set up the given bits..."


      | gen |

      gen ¬ super new.

      gen initialize.

      gen bitA: (OutputBit onBit: a).

      gen bitB: (OutputBit onBit: b).




The WordGenerator class simulates the hardware and software one might employ for presenting word stimuli in a word oddball task.  It is provided, upon creation, with a dictionary of stream objects that provide it with the word stimuli themselves.  This dictionary is keyed using the primary  field of the stimulus descriptor.


class name      WordGenerator

superclass        StimulusGenerator

instance variable names


class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Stimulus-Generators







WordGenerator methods for:  stimulus control


The prepare: method reads the next word from the stimulus stream for the type of stimulus given by the primary  field of the stimulus descriptor and stores it in the word  field. 


The turnOn: method simulates the display of a word stimulus by writing it to the system transcript.

WordGenerator methods for:  stimulus control


prepare: aStimulus

      "Load a word into the stimulus object..."


      | word stream |

      stream ¬ streamDictionary at: aStimulus primary.

      word ¬ stream next.

      aStimulus word: word


turnOn: aStimulus

      "For now, send the word to the transcript..."


      Transcript show: aStimulus word ; cr ; endEntry

WordGenerator methods for:  accessing

WordGenerator methods for:  accessing





streamDictionary: argument

      streamDictionary ¬ argument.


WordGenerator class


class                WordGenerator class

superclass        StimulusGenerator class

WordGenerator class methods for:  instance creation


The on: creation message allows a word stream dictionary to be specified for a WordGenerator as it is created.  This dictionary contains one entry for each primary stimulus type the client defines.  These entries are keyed by this stimulus type, and should address a stream which will provide successive words for that stimulus category. 


Note that these streams might be RandomStreams over a relatively small vocabulary (as in the implementation of WordOddball given herein), or actual word lists.  The stream dictionary scheme isolates this class from such detail.

WordGenerator class methods for:  instance creation


on: aStreamDictionary

      "Create a WordGenerator, and tell it to remember the stream dictionary we

      were given..."


      | generator |

      generator ¬ super new.

      generator initialize.

      generator streamDictionary: aStreamDictionary.




This system category defines a family of stimulus descriptor objects which are manipulated by the various objects concerned with stimulus identity, such as the battery items themselves, the stimulus sequencing and generation objects, the data management system, and the averaging and statistics collection code.  The objects in this category are:


      Stimulus                                           Defines the basic stimulus descriptor

      SternbergStimulus                        Adds Sternberg specific stimulus fields

      ToneStimulus                                  Adds ToneOddball specific fields

      WordStimulus                                 Adds WordOddball specific fields



Stimulus is an abstract superclass for a family of stimulus objects.  It defines a field for a stimulus category indicator of some sort.


class name      Stimulus

superclass        Object

instance variable names


class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Stimulus-Support







Stimulus methods for:  accessing

Stimulus methods for:  accessing



      "Return the stimulus category..."


      ^ category


category: aCategory

      "Set the stimulus category..."


      ^ category ¬ aCategory



The SternbergStimulus class adds fields for the memory set and probe stimulus to Stimulus.


class name      SternbergStimulus

superclass        Stimulus

instance variable names





class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Stimulus-Support







SternbergStimulus methods for:  accessing

SternbergStimulus methods for:  accessing



      ^ memorySet


memorySet: argument

      memorySet ¬ argument.

      ^ argument



      ^ probe


probe: argument

      probe ¬ argument.

      ^ argument



The ToneStimulus class adds a field for the primary stimulus type to Stimulus.


class name      ToneStimulus

superclass        Stimulus

instance variable names




class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Stimulus-Support







ToneStimulus methods for:  accessing

ToneStimulus methods for:  accessing



      ^ primary


primary: argument

      primary ¬ argument.

      ^ argument



The ToneStimulus class adds a field for the primary stimulus type to Stimulus.


class name      WordStimulus

superclass        Stimulus

instance variable names





class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Stimulus-Support







WordStimulus methods for:  accessing

WordStimulus methods for:  accessing



      ^ primary


primary: argument

      primary ¬ argument.

      ^ argument



      ^ word


word: argument

      word ¬ argument.

      ^ argument



The Sequence-Support system category contains two classes which implement components of the Battery stimulus sequence generation scheme.  These classes are:


      WeightedCollection                       A collection with fixed proportions

      SequenceGenerator                      A stimulus sequence constructor



A WeightedCollection is a collection of objects in which each object in a given base set is constrained to appear with a given relative frequency.  For example, a WeightedCollection over #(dog cat mouse) of size nine would result in a collection in which each of dog, cat, and mouse were present three times.


class name      WeightedCollection

superclass        RunArray

instance variable names





class variable names

category          Sequence-Support








WeightedCollection methods for:  growing


The grow: message allows the size of a WeightedCollection to be changed, while still retaining the underlying collection and relative probabilities.  The protocol inherited from RunArray allows the underlying values collection to be altered, should the user see fit. 


Note that the weight and run sets should be changed only at the user's peril, since these are not mutually constrained in this implementation of WeightedCollection.   

WeightedCollection methods for:  growing


grow: size

      "Transform ourself into a new weighted collection..."


      | new |

      new ¬ WeightedCollection

                        on: self values

                        withSize: size

                        andWeights: self weights.

      ^self become: new

WeightedCollection methods for:  private


Access to the weight collection is provided for the purpose of internal abstraction only.  Users should not attempt to alter the weight set of a Weighted collection once it is created.

WeightedCollection methods for:  private



      "Return the weights collection..."




weights: aCollection

      "Save the weights collection..."


      ^weights ¬ aCollection

WeightedCollection class


class                WeightedCollection class

superclass        RunArray class

WeightedCollection class methods for:  instance creation


The on:withSize:andWeights: method is the only means by which a WeightedCollection should be created.  (The new method should probably be overridden to enforce this restriction.)  It works as follows:  First, a collection consisting of the desired collection size scaled by each weight is constructed.  (Note that the values are rounded to the nearest Integer.)  Next, these values are summed.  The error  variable is then assigned the difference between this total and the desired collection size. 


If the sum of the counts produced by weighting the size comes up short, then error will be positive.  If this value is too large, error  will be negative.  The test on error is used to set adjust  to a positive count of the number of values that need to be changed to balance the counts, and increment  to plus or minus one.  The error is then distributed among the first adjust elements of the counts  collection.  This collection then appeals to RunArray class to construct our underlying RunArray.  The original weight set is also stored for use by grow:.

WeightedCollection class methods for:  instance creation


on: aCollection withSize: size andWeights: weights

      "Create a new weighted collection..."


      | counts total error adjust increment new |

      counts ¬ weights collect: [:weight | (weight * size) rounded asInteger].

      total ¬ counts inject: 0 into: [:sum :count | sum + count].

      error ¬ size - total.

      error > 0

            ifTrue: [adjust ¬ error. increment ¬ 1]

            ifFalse: [adjust ¬ error negated. increment ¬ -1].

      (1 to: adjust)

            do: [:i | counts at: i put: (counts at: i) + 1].

      new ¬ super runs: counts values: aCollection.

      new weights: weights.


WeightedCollection class methods for:  examples


This example show how one might construct a ten element weighted collection over the Array shown.  The result is a collection with the following structure:  #(dog dog dog dog cat cat cat mouse mouse mouse).

WeightedCollection class methods for:  examples



      "WeightedCollection example inspect"



            on: #(dog cat mouse )

            withSize: 10

            andWeights: #(0.3 0.3 0.3 )



Class SequenceGenerator is used to construct a stimulus sequence given a fixed base collection and a given size and set of relative probabilities.  The present implementation of SequenceGenerator uses a WeightedCollection to do most of its work.  WeightedCollection is, in fact, a generalization of an earlier implementation of SequenceGenerator.  SequenceGenerator still adds a constraint check that ensures that the given probability set adds up to one.  This check could (should) probably be moved to WeightedCollection as well.


class name      SequenceGenerator

superclass        Object

instance variable names




class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Sequence-Support




SequenceGenerator methods for:  sequence construction


The generateSequenceOn:withSize:andProbabilities: method constructs a stimulus sequence with the desired base set, size and probabilities and returns it to its caller.  We first store the parameters given us, then do a constraint test on the probability set, and then construct and return the stimulus sequence.

SequenceGenerator methods for:  sequence construction


generateSequenceOn: stims withSize: size andProbabilities: probs

      "Save our parameters, constrain the probability set, and build a 



      length ¬ size.

      probabilities ¬ probs.

      stimuli ¬ stims.

      self constrainProbabilities.

      ^self constructSequence

SequenceGenerator methods for:  private


The constrainProbabilities method makes sure that the probability set given us sums to one.  It will adjust the final value if it finds a minor discrepancy.  (Note that for this reason, we should probably have done a copy on the set before storing it in the instance variable above.)  If a major problem is found, an error is declared. 


The constructSequence method merely passes the buck to WeightedCollection to get its work done.

SequenceGenerator methods for:  private



      "Make sure the probabilities add up to 1.0..."


      | sum last |

      sum ¬ (1 to: probabilities size - 1)

                        inject: 0 into: [:sum :i | sum ¬ sum + (probabilities at: i)].

      (sum < 0 or: [sum > 1])

            ifTrue: [self error: 'Bad probability sum...'].

      probabilities at: probabilities size put: (1.0-sum)



      "Build a weighted collection given our current size and probabilities... "


      ^WeightedCollection on: stimuli withSize: length andWeights: probabilities


"Notes 6/23/86:  Hope they allow zero length runs..."

"Notes 7/24/86:  They do...."

"Notes 8/25/86:  Changed over to WeightedCollections..."

SequenceGenerator class


class                SequenceGenerator class

superclass        Object class


SequenceGenerator class methods for:  examples


The example1 method shows a typical application of a SequenceGenerator.

SequenceGenerator class methods for:  examples



      "SequenceGenerator example1 inspect"


      | s stims probs |

      s ¬ SequenceGenerator new.

      stims ¬ #(catA catB ).

      probs ¬ Array with: 0.5 with: 0.5.


            generateSequenceOn: stims

            withSize: 100

            andProbabilities: probs



The Response-Support system category represents an effort to model the hardware and software components of the subject response reporting system as concrete objects.  The rationale for this is similar to that for making the Stimulus-Generators concrete objects.  That is to say, it was hoped that embodying the response collection strategies we use in separate, discrete components, we might be able to modify these strategies from application to application merely by dropping in a new component.  The classes in this category are:


      ButtonBox                                       Simulates a subject response box

      ButtonBoxResponse                    Describes a subject response instance



The ButtonBox class models a two button subject response box.  Such a response box typically will report button presses using a pair of digital input bits.  Hence, ButtonBoxes contain references to a pair of simulated input bits. 


A clock is also associated with each ButtonBox for response time reporting.  Since InputBit events are simulated using the Smalltalk mouse buttons, it is possible to demonstrate actual ButtonBox events when a simulated BatteryItem is run.


class name      ButtonBox

superclass        Object

instance variable names




class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Response-Support





ButtonBox methods for:  accessing


The bitA  and bitB  instance variables contain references to the InputBits that we use to report responses.  The clock  instance variable is used for response time reporting. 


The enable method arms the ButtonBox by passing an enableUsingClock: message to both of the ButtonBox's InputBits. 


The response query is sent by the user of a ButtonBox to test for whether any response activity has taken place.  A ButtonBoxResponse object will always be the result of such a query.  If no button press has occurred since the last query, the ButtonBoxResponse object will contain only default values. 


Responses are detected by testing the flags of each InputBit object.  If one of these flags is set, a #buttonA or #buttonB response event is reported, together with the time (relative to the clock that was originally passed) at which the event occurred.  Note that if both button A and button B were pressed, the button A event is given precedence.  More complex button box designs might adopt some different strategy.

ButtonBox methods for:  accessing





bitA: argument

      bitA ¬ argument.






bitB: argument

      bitB ¬ argument.






clock: argument

      clock ¬ argument.




      "Enable both our input bits using our clock..."


      self bitA enableUsingClock: self clock.

      self bitB enableUsingClock: self clock



      "Return a response object with the bit for which we recorded

      a response (if any) and the response time for it..."


      | resp  |

      resp ¬ ButtonBoxResponse new.

      (self bitA flag) ifTrue:

            [ resp responseButton: #buttonA. resp responseTime: self bitA time. ^resp].

      (self bitB flag) ifTrue:

            [ resp responseButton: #buttonB. resp responseTime: self bitB time. ^resp].


ButtonBox class


class                ButtonBox class

superclass        Object class

ButtonBox class methods for:  instance creation


The bitA:bitB:usingClock: method creates a ButtonBox and assigns it the indicated realtime resources.  As with several other instance creation methods seen herein, we might want to consider enforcing the convention that this method be used to create ButtonBoxes by overriding new.

ButtonBox class methods for:  instance creation


bitA: a bitB: b usingClock: aClock

      "Create a new button box..."


      | box |

      box ¬ super new.

      box bitA: (InputBit onBit: a).

      box bitB: (InputBit onBit: b).

      box clock: aClock.




ButtonBoxResponse objects are returned by ButtonBoxes in response to response queries.  They convey a response button code and a response time.  The possible response button codes are determined by the ButtonBox object.


class name      ButtonBoxResponse

superclass        Object

instance variable names



class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          ResponseSupport





ButtonBoxResponse methods for:  accessing

ButtonBoxResponse methods for:  accessing





responseButton: argument

      responseButton ¬ argument.






responseTime: argument

      responseTime ¬ argument.




The Data-Management system category contains the definitions for a set of record-like objects that help to implement the battery data management scheme.  These classes are:


      BatteryBlock                                   A per-block data record

      BatteryTrial                                      A per-trial data record

      DataDictionary                                Repository for archived battery data     DataDictionaryEntry          An entry in a DataDictionary



BatteryBlock object tie together all the information that a battery item produces for each block it runs.  A BatteryBlock stores the block average collection, a copy of the block parameters, the single trial collection for the block, and the block tally set.


class name      BatteryBlock

superclass        Object

instance variable names





class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Data-Management




BatteryBlock methods for:  accessing

BatteryBlock methods for:  accessing





averages: argument

      averages ¬ argument.






parameters: argument

      parameters ¬ argument.






singleTrials: argument

      singleTrials ¬ argument.






tallies: argument

      tallies ¬ argument.




BatteryTrial objects tie together the data produced for each trial.  A block's single trial collection is a collection of these objects, one for each trial.  The following data are kept for each trial:  A copy of the digitized data, the subject's response time (if any), a subject response type, the stimulus descriptor for the trial, and the trial number.


class name      BatteryTrial

superclass        Object

instance variable names






class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Data-Management




BatteryTrial methods for:  accessing

BatteryTrial methods for:  accessing





data: argument

      data ¬ argument.






responseTime: argument

      responseTime ¬ argument.






responseType: argument

      responseType ¬ argument.






stimulus: argument

      stimulus ¬ argument.






trialNumber: argument

      trialNumber ¬ argument.




DataDictionary objects are subclasses of AccessibleDictionaries.  They add no additional protocol.  A single instance of DataDictionary is kept in a BatteryItem class variable as a global repository for battery data.


class name      DataDictionary

superclass        AccessibleDictionary

instance variable names


class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Data-Management










DataDictionaryEntry objects play the role of file system directory entries in the battery data management scheme.  They record the following:  some data (which will always be a BatteryBlock given the current battery simulation), the date and time of the entries creation, a label string of some sort, an entry type field, and an entry name.


class name      DataDictionaryEntry

superclass        Object

instance variable names







class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Data-Management




DataDictionaryEntry methods for:  accessing

DataDictionaryEntry methods for:  accessing





data: argument

      data ¬ argument.






date: argument

      date ¬ argument.






label: argument

      label ¬ argument.






name: argument

      name ¬ argument.






time: argument

      time ¬ argument.






type: argument

      type ¬ argument.


DataDictionaryEntry class


class                DataDictionaryEntry class

superclass        Object class

DataDictionaryEntry class methods for:  instance creation


The method given below provides a convenient shorthand for creating DataDictionaryEntry objects.  Note in particular that the date and time time stamp is generated automatically by this method.

DataDictionaryEntry class methods for:  instance creation


entryNamed: aString withLabel: aLabel andData: anObject

      "Create and entry and fill it in as indicated, together with the current

      date and time..."


      | entry date |

      entry ¬ super new.

      entry name: aString.

      entry label: aLabel.

      entry data: anObject.

      date ¬ Date dateAndTimeNow.

      entry date: (date at: 1).

      entry time: (date at: 2).




The classes defined in the Interface-Battery category implement the user interface for the Smalltalk battery simulation.  The classes in this category are:


      ListHolder                                        A simple generic model for ListViews

      ItemListController                          Controller for a battery item list

      ParameterListController               Controller for a parameter list

      BatteryCodeController                 Controller for the expression window

      WaveformController                      Controller for a waveform view

      BatteryBrowser                              Model for a set of battery items

      ItemListView                                    View of a list of battery items

      ParameterListView                        View of the parameter list

      BatteryView                                     TopView for a battery browser

      BatteryCodeView                           View for expression evaluation

      WaveformView                                A graphical view of a waveform



ListHolder objects provide a service similar to that provided by StringHolders.  That is, they serve as a generic model for simple list objects. 


This function has been largely subsumed by Version II SelectionInListView objects.  The Apple Smalltalk image used for this simulation was based on a Xerox Smalltalk-80 Version I image that did not have pluggable views.


class name      ListHolder

superclass        AccessibleObject

instance variable names





class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Interface-Battery





ListHolder methods for:  view access


These methods implement the default interface between a list model and its ListView.

ListHolder methods for:  view access



      "Return our list..."




list: argument

      "Set the new list and notify our dependents..."


      list ¬ argument.

      self changed: #list.




      "Return our copy of the list index..."



listIndex: argument

      "Reset the list index, and notify our dependents..."


      listIndex ¬ argument.

      self changed: #listIndex.


ListHolder methods for:  controller access


These methods implement the default interface between a list model and its ListController.

ListHolder methods for:  controller access


toggleListIndex: index

      "Just keep our copy of the list index up to date..."


      index = self listIndex

            ifTrue: [self listIndex: 0]

            ifFalse: [self listIndex: index]

ListHolder class


class                ListHolder class

superclass        AccessibleObject class


ListHolder class methods for:  instance creation

ListHolder class methods for:  instance creation


on: list

      "Create a new ListHolder for the designated list..."


      | aListHolder |

      aListHolder ¬ self new.

      aListHolder list: list.




ItemListControllers operate the battery browser's battery item list.


class name      ItemListController

superclass        ListController

instance variable names















class variable names



category          Interface-Battery








ItemListController methods for:  instance initialization


Make sure new ItemListControllers have their yellowButtonMenus set up correctly.  The menu/message sets are kept in a pair of class variables for this purpose.

ItemListController methods for:  instance initialization



      "Set up the yellow button menu, among other things..."


      super initialize.

      self initializeYellowButtonMenu




      self yellowButtonMenu: ItemListYellowButtonMenu

            yellowButtonMessages: ItemListYellowButtonMessages

ItemListController methods for:  menu messages


The doNothing method illustrates where additional menu messages would fit were one to want to add them.


The changeModelSelection: method inherited from ListController is overridden here to invoke toggleItemListIndex instead of toggleListIndex.  When complex models like the BatteryBrowser with multiple cooperating views are used, it is necessary to differentiate at the model level among list update requests.   In conventional ListViews, this is usually done by overriding changeModelSelection in the manner just described. 


Version II SelectionInListViews allow the selectors  for these sorts of functions to be built into "adaptor" variables stored in the Views.  The views themselves must also distinguish multiple update requests when a complex model is used.  This is done using view defined update: parameter protocols.  Traditional ListViews must override update: to add this behavior.  SelectionInListViews once again make this part of the adaptor.

ItemListController methods for:  menu messages



      "Do as it says, for testing...."

ItemListController methods for:  private

ItemListController methods for:  private


changeModelSelection: anInteger


      model toggleItemListIndex: anInteger

ItemListController class


class                ItemListController class

subclass           ListController class

ItemListController class methods for:  class initialization


The default menu and message lists are stored in class variables so that they need not be copied of every time one of these controllers is created.

ItemListController class methods for:  class initialization



      "ItemListController initialize"


      ItemListYellowButtonMenu ¬ PopUpMenu labels: 'do nothing

still do nothing' lines: #(1 ).

      ItemListYellowButtonMessages ¬ #(doNothing doNothing )


ItemListController initialize



ParameterListControllers implement the controller end of the MVC triad for the battery parameter list view.


class name      ParameterListController

superclass        ListController

instance variable names















class variable names



pool dictionaries

category          Interface-Battery








ParameterListController methods for:  instance initialization


The default menu and message lists are copied from two of the ParameterListController's class variables.

ParameterListController methods for:  instance initialization



      "Set up the yellow button menu, among other things..."


      super initialize.

      self initializeYellowButtonMenu




      self yellowButtonMenu: ParameterListYellowButtonMenu

            yellowButtonMessages: ParameterListYellowButtonMessages

ParameterListController methods for:  menu messages


As with ItemListController, changeModelSelection is overridden so that it passes toggle parameter list requests to this object's model in such a way so that the model can learn their origin.

ParameterListController methods for:  menu messages



      "Do as it says, for testing...."

ParameterListController methods for:  private


ParameterListController methods for:  private


changeModelSelection: anInteger


      model toggleParameterListIndex: anInteger

ParameterListController class


class                ParameterListController class

superclass        ListController class

ParameterListController class methods for:  class initialization


Two menu entries are defined (as examples) here, both of which are linked to the doNothing method.

ParameterListController class methods for:  class initialization



      "ParameterListController initialize"


      ParameterListYellowButtonMenu ¬ PopUpMenu labels: 'do nothing

still do nothing' lines: #(1 ).

      ParameterListYellowButtonMessages ¬ #(doNothing doNothing )


ParameterListController initialize



The BatteryCodeController class adds an accept message that forwards the results of the accept back to the model using replaceParameterSelectionValue:.


class name      BatteryCodeController

superclass        StringHolderController

instance variable names

























class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Interface-Battery









BatteryCodeController methods for:  menu messages


The accept method evaluates the BatteryCodeController's paragraph's string and makes the result the new parameter selection value of its model.

BatteryCodeController methods for:  menu messages




      | result |

      (model isUnlocked or: [model selectionUnmodifiable])

            ifTrue: [^view flash].

      self controlTerminate.

      result ¬ model doItReceiver class evaluatorClass new

                        evaluate: (ReadStream on: paragraph string)

                        in: model doItContext

                        to: model doItReceiver

                        notifying: self

                        ifFail:  [self controlInitialize. ^nil].

      result == #failedDoit


                  [model replaceParameterSelectionValue: result.

                  self selectFrom: 1 to: paragraph text size.

                  self deselect.

                  self replaceSelectionWith: result printString asText.

                  self selectAt: 1.

                  super accept].

      self controlInitialize



WaveformController objects provide cursor control for WaveformView objects.  When the mouse is within the graphBox of a WaveformView, the cursor is turned into a cross hair cursor, and the WaveformView's coordinate display is updated.


class name      WaveformController

superclass        Controller

instance variable names






class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Interface-Battery





WaveformController methods for:  controlling


To control activity, the WaveformController must see if the view's graphBox contains the cursorPoint.  If so, the cursor is changed to a cross hair cursor and the waveform coordinate display is updated.  If the cursor has left the graphBox, the normal cursor is restored.

WaveformController methods for:  controlling



      (view graphBox containsPoint: sensor cursorPoint )

            ifTrue: [self controlCursor]

            ifFalse: [Cursor normal show]



      | point |

      Cursor crossHair show.

      self view updateText.

      point ¬ sensor cursorPoint.

      self cursorPosition: point


"Brian Foote  28 July 1987  Added code to copy point to cursorPosition..."


      "Say there is no cursor position for now..."


      self cursorPosition: nil



      "Get rid of the cross hair cursor..."


      Cursor normal show

WaveformController methods for:  accessing

WaveformController methods for:  accessing





cursorPosition: argument

      cursorPosition ¬ argument.




BatteryBrowser objects are the common models that tie together the components of a BatteryView.


class name      BatteryBrowser

superclass        StringHolder

instance variable names











class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Interface-Battery





BatteryBrowser methods for:  instance initialization


The initialize method starts us out with no item or parameter selections.

BatteryBrowser methods for:  instance initialization



      "Set a few defaults..."


      self itemListIndex: 0.

      self parameterListIndex: 0

BatteryBrowser methods for:  accessing

BatteryBrowser methods for:  accessing





itemList: argument

itemList ¬ argument.





itemListIndex: argument

      itemListIndex ¬ argument.






parameterKeyList: argument

      parameterKeyList ¬ argument.






parameterList: argument

      parameterList ¬ argument.






parameterListIndex: argument

      parameterListIndex ¬ argument.






runSwitch: argument

      runSwitch ¬ argument.






waveformView: argument

      waveformView ¬ argument.


BatteryBrowser methods for:  list access


The replaceParameterSelectionValue method is invoked by BatteryCodeControllers when an accept is performed.  It replaces the value of the currently selected parameter with a new value.


The toggleItemListIndex: method is invoked when a new item list selection is made.  First, the wait cursor is turned on.  Then our item list selection is updated.  Next, since either the current battery item was deselected or a new battery item in the item list was selected, the parameter list must be reset.  We update the parameter list and the parameter key list, set its selection to zero, and clear the contents of our code view.  We then declare that the item list has changed.  (ParameterListViews respond to both item list and parameter list changes.  BrowserCodeControllers respond to any update whatsoever.)


The toggleParameterListIndex: method saves the new list index given it, and stores the store string for the current parameter value as our contents.  A parameter list update is then declared, which will update the ParameterListView and the BatteryCodeView.

BatteryBrowser methods for:  list access


replaceParameterSelectionValue: value

      "Set the current parameter to the indicated value..."


      | key parms |

      key ¬ self parameterKeyList at: self parameterListIndex.

      parms ¬ self currentItem parameters.

      parms at: key put: value.

      self parameterList: self currentParameterList


toggleItemListIndex: anInteger

      "Toggle our item list index..."


      Cursor wait


                  [self itemListIndex: (self itemListIndex = anInteger

                              ifTrue: [0]

                              ifFalse: [anInteger]).

                  self parameterList: self currentParameterList.

                  self parameterKeyList: self currentParameterKeyList.

                  self parameterListIndex: 0.

                  self contents: ''.

                  self changed: #itemList]


toggleParameterListIndex: anInteger

      "Toggle our parameter list index..."


      self parameterListIndex: (self parameterListIndex = anInteger

                  ifTrue: [0]

                  ifFalse: [anInteger]).

      self contents: self currentParameterValue storeString.

      self changed: #parameterListIndex

BatteryBrowser methods for:  switch access


The run switch object sends us this message when the run switch is pressed.  If a battery item is selected, it is started up by sending it a doBlock message.  When the block finally finishes, the run switch is turned off.

BatteryBrowser methods for:  switch access



      "Off we go..."


      self  currentItem ~= nil ifTrue: [self  currentItem doBlock].

      self runSwitch turnOff

BatteryBrowser methods for:  selecting


The selectionUnmodifiable query is sent by accept method in BatteryCodeController to its models.  Hence, BatteryBrowser must implement this method.  It returns true when there is no current selection.  (Note that the accept method used in BatteryCodeController was borrowed from the one found in the Version I InspectCodeController.)

BatteryBrowser methods for:  selecting



      "If the selection is zero, forget it..."



BatteryBrowser methods for:  private


The methods in this protocol category encapsulate the BatteryBrowser's internal schemes for generating various structures that are used by other parts of the BatteryBrowser. 


The currentItem method uses the itemListIndex to return either nil or the current battery item itself.   The currentItemList is constructed by asking each battery item in our item list to ask its parameter object for an item name.  These names are collected and returned as the current item list. 


The currentParameterKeyList method returns an OrderedCollection containing the keys for the current list of parameters.  It derives this by calling the currentParameterList method.  This method returns an empty AccessibleDictionary if no item is currently selected.  If an item is selected, we fetch its parameter object (which is an AccessibleObject) and turn this into an AccessibleDictionary, which we then return.) 


The currentParameterValue  method uses the key list to index the parameter list which in turn allows us access to a parameter value.

BatteryBrowser methods for:  private



      "Return the current battery item..."


      self itemListIndex = 0

            ifTrue: [^nil]

            ifFalse: [^self itemList at: itemListIndex]



      "Get the current item list..."


      ^self itemList collect: [:anItem | anItem parameters name].



      "Get the current parameter key list..."


      ^self currentParameterList keys asOrderedCollection



      "Get the current parameter list..."


      | item parms |

      self currentItem = nil ifTrue: [^AccessibleDictionary new].

      item ¬ self currentItem.

      parms ¬ item parameters asAccessibleDictionary.




      "Return the current parameter value..."


      self parameterListIndex = 0

            ifTrue: [^nil]

            ifFalse: [^self parameterList at: (self parameterKeyList at: self parameterListIndex)]

BatteryBrowser class


class                BatteryBrowser class

superclass        StringHolder class

BatteryBrowser class methods for:  instance creation


The openOn: message creates a BatteryBrowser given a list of BatteryItem objects.  It initializes the browser, sets it list as indicated, and then informs every item in the list that they belong to this browser.

BatteryBrowser class methods for:  instance creation


openOn: aList

      "BatteryBrowser openOn: BatteryItem defaultItemList"


      | browser |

      browser ¬ self new.

      browser initialize.

      browser itemList: aList.

      aList do: [:item | item parameters browser: browser].




ItemListView objects merely specialize ListView objects by designating that the default controller class is ItemListController rather than ListController.  (Note that Version II SelectionInListViews use an "adaptor" that makes this specialization unnecessary.)


class name      ItemListView

superclass        ListView

instance variable names





















class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Interface-Battery






ItemListView methods for:  controller access

ItemListView methods for:  controller access



      "Give a default controller for us..."





ParameterListView objects specialize ListView objects by designating that the default controller class is ItemListController rather than ListController.  They also provide update: protocol for updating the parameter list in response to both item list and parameter list change requests.


class name      ParameterListView

superclass        ListView

instance variable names





















class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Interface-Battery






ParameterListView methods for:  controller access


We have our own controller (which does nothing useful) so we designate it as our default.

ParameterListView methods for:  controller access



      "Give a default controller for us..."



ParameterListView methods for:  updating


When a ParameterListView receives an #itemList  update request, it resets its parameter list and redisplay itself.  When its gets a #parameterListIndex  update request, it asks itself to move the selection box.

ParameterListView methods for:  updating


update: anObject

      "Something changed..."


      anObject == #itemList


                  [self list: model parameterKeyList.

                  selection ¬ model parameterListIndex.

                  self displayView].

      anObject == #parameterListIndex


                  [self moveSelectionBox: model parameterListIndex]



BatteryView objects provide the StandardSystemView for BatteryBrowsers.  It is the BatteryView that creates and composes the subViews that comprises the BatteryBrowser.


class name      BatteryView

superclass        StandardSystemView

instance variable names

























class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Interface-Battery






BatteryView class


class                BatteryView class

superclass        StandardSystemView class

BatteryView class methods for:  instance creation


To start up a BatteryBrowser, one should first create a BatteryBrowser on a list of battery items, then pass this browser as the argument to an openOn: message to BatteryView.  The comment below gives an example of this.

BatteryView class methods for:  instance creation


openOn: aBrowser

      "BatteryView openOn: (BatteryBrowser openOn: BatteryItem defaultItemList)"


      | topView itemList itemView parmList parmView stringView holder

            switch wave switchView waveView |

      topView ¬ self new.

      topView model: nil; label: 'Battery Item Browser'; minimumSize: 100 @ 100.

      topView borderColor: Form lightGray; insideColor: Form gray.

      topView borderWidth: 0.

      itemView ¬ ItemListView new.

      itemList ¬ aBrowser itemList collect: [:anItem | anItem parameters name].

      itemView model: aBrowser.

      itemView list: itemList.


            borderWidthLeft: 2

            right: 1

            top: 2

            bottom: 1.

      itemView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 200 @ 100).

      topView addSubView: itemView.

      parmView ¬ ParameterListView new.

      parmView model: aBrowser.


            borderWidthLeft: 1

            right: 1

            top: 2

            bottom: 1.

      parmView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 200 @ 100).


            addSubView: parmView

            align: parmView viewport topLeft

            with: itemView viewport topRight.

      aBrowser contents: ''.

      stringView ¬ BatteryCodeView container: aBrowser.

      stringView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 200 @ 70).


            borderWidthLeft: 1

            right: 2

            top: 2

            bottom: 1.


            addSubView: stringView

            align: stringView viewport topLeft

            with: parmView viewport topRight.

      switch ¬ Switch newOff.

      switch onAction: [aBrowser run].

      aBrowser runSwitch: switch.

      switchView ¬ SwitchView new.

      switchView model: switch; label: 'Run' asParagraph.


            borderWidthLeft: 1

            right: 2

            top: 1

            bottom: 1.

      switchView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 200 @ 30).


            addSubView: switchView

            align: switchView viewport bottomLeft

            with: parmView viewport bottomRight.

      waveView ¬ WaveformView new.

      aBrowser waveformView: waveView.

      wave ¬ Waveform points: 10.

      wave zero.

      waveView model: wave; window: (0 @ 0 extent: 600 @ 250); insideColor: Form white.


            borderWidthLeft: 2

            right: 2

            top: 1

            bottom: 2.

      waveView dataWindow: (1 @ 2500 corner: wave size @ -2500).


            addSubView: waveView

            align: waveView viewport topLeft

            with: itemView viewport bottomLeft.

      topView controller open



BatteryCodeView objects provide views of the values of currently selected parameters.


class name      BatteryCodeView

superclass        StringHolderView

instance variable names
















class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Interface-Battery






BatteryCodeView methods for:  controller access


We are a pre-pluggable view code view that exists only to designate a default controller.

BatteryCodeView methods for:  controller access







WaveformView objects generate graphical waveform displays.  They also allow a cursor to be driven across these waveforms, and display information about its position.


class name      WaveformView

superclass        View

instance variable names































class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Interface-Battery





WaveformView methods for:  instance initialization

WaveformView methods for:  instance initialization



      "Initialize this instance..."


      self thickness: 5 @ 5.

      self length: 5 @ 5.

      self interval: 25 @ 1000.

      self dataInsets: 0.0 @ 0.1.

      self topMargin: 30.

      self bottomMargin: 50.

      self leftMargin: 50.

      self rightMargin: 10.

      self quill: Pen new.

      self title: 'a Waveform View'.

      self titleEmphasis: 5.

      self lastPosition: 0.99 @ 0.99.

      super initialize

WaveformView methods for:  accessing

WaveformView methods for:  accessing





bottomMargin: argument

      bottomMargin ¬ argument.






dataBox: argument

      dataBox ¬ argument.






dataInsets: argument

      dataInsets ¬ argument.






dataTransformation: argument

      dataTransformation ¬ argument.






dataWindow: argument

      dataWindow ¬ argument.







graphBox: argument

      graphBox ¬ argument.






interval: argument

      interval ¬ argument.






lastPosition: argument

      lastPosition ¬ argument.






leftMargin: argument

      leftMargin ¬ argument.






length: argument

      length ¬ argument.






quill: argument

      quill ¬ argument.






rightMargin: argument

      rightMargin ¬ argument.





thickness: argument

      thickness ¬ argument.






title: argument

      title ¬ argument.






titleEmphasis: argument

      titleEmphasis ¬ argument.






topMargin: argument

      topMargin ¬ argument.


WaveformView methods for:  controller access

WaveformView methods for:  controller access



      "Use a WaveformController to do our dirty work..."



WaveformView methods for:  displaying


The messages in this protocol category perform the tasks associated with displaying waveforms on the screen. 


The clear method fills our inset display box with our insideColor.  The displayAbscissa method draws an X axis. 


The displayData method plots our model (a Waveform). 


The displayOrdinate method draws our Y axis. 


The displayTitle method draws our title. 


The displayView method is the standard method for drawing a view.  It resets our variables, clears us, and draws our components. 


The displayXTick: and displayYTick: methods are used for tick mark generation. 


The resetVariables method resets the reference boxes that we use to draw a waveform graph.

WaveformView methods for:  displaying



      "Zap the display box..."


      Display fill: self insetDisplayBox mask: self insideColor



      "Draw the X axis..."


      | box x start stop increment y |

      x ¬ self graphBox left - self thickness y.

      y ¬ self graphBox bottom + self thickness x.

      box ¬ x @ self graphBox bottom corner: self graphBox right @ y.


            fill: box

            rule: Form over

            mask: Form black.

      increment ¬ interval x.

      start ¬ self dataWindow left.

      start ¬ start roundUpTo: increment.

      stop ¬ self dataWindow right.

      stop ¬ stop roundDownTo: increment.

      start ~= self dataWindow left ifTrue: [self displayXTick: self dataWindow left].

      (start to: stop by: increment)

            do: [:value | self displayXTick: value]


      "Draw the waveform..."


      | pen point |

      Display fill: self graphBox mask: Form white.

      pen ¬ Pen new.

      pen frame: self graphBox.

      point ¬ Point x: 1 y: (model at: 1).

      pen place: (self dataTransformation applyTo: point).

      (2 to: model size)


                  [:i |

                  point ¬ Point x: i y: (model at: i).

                  point ¬ self dataTransformation applyTo: point.

                  pen goto: point]



      "Draw the Y axis..."


      | box x start stop increment y |

      x ¬ self graphBox left - self thickness y.

      y ¬ self graphBox bottom + self thickness x.

      box ¬ x @ self graphBox top corner: self graphBox left @ y.

      Display fill: box rule: Form over mask: Form black.

      increment ¬ interval y.

      start ¬ self dataWindow bottom.

      stop ¬ self dataWindow top.

      (start to: stop by: increment) do: [:value | self displayYTick: value]



      "Display the title..."


      | text |

      text ¬ Text string: self title emphasis: self titleEmphasis.

      text ¬ text asDisplayText.

      text align: text boundingBox center with: self titleBox center.


            displayOn: Display

            at: 0 @ 0

            clippingBox: Display boundingBox

            rule: Form under

            mask: Form black



      "Display a waveform..."


      self resetVariables.

      self clear.

      self displayTitle.

      self displayOrdinate.

      self displayAbscissa.

      self displayData.

displayXTick: value

      "Display an X tick mark..."


      | x y pen text |

      x ¬ (self dataTransformation applyTo: value @ 0) x.

      y ¬ self graphBox bottom + self thickness x.

      pen ¬ Pen new.

      pen place: x @ y.

      pen down.

      pen goto: x @ (y + self length y).

      text ¬ value printString asDisplayText.

      text align: text boundingBox topCenter with: x @ (y + self length x).


            displayOn: Display

            at: 0 @ 0

            clippingBox: Display boundingBox

            rule: Form under

            mask: Form black


displayYTick: value

      "Display a Y tick mark..."


      | box x y start stop increment pen text |

      x ¬ self graphBox left - self thickness y.

      y ¬ (self dataTransformation applyTo: 0 @ value) y.

      pen ¬ Pen new.

      pen place: x @ y.

      pen down.

      pen goto: x - self length y @ y.

      text ¬ value printString asDisplayText.

      text align: text boundingBox rightCenter with: x - self length y @ y.


            displayOn: Display

            at: 0 @ 0

            clippingBox: Display boundingBox

            rule: Form under

            mask: Form black



      "Calculate new values for some of our variables..."


      | box |

      box ¬ self insetDisplayBox.

      self graphBox:


                  insetOriginBy: self leftMargin @ self topMargin

                  cornerBy: self rightMargin @ self bottomMargin).

      self dataBox: (self graphBox insetBy: self graphBox extent * self dataInsets).

      self dataTransformation:

            (WindowingTransformation window: self dataWindow viewport: self dataBox)

WaveformView methods for:  display boxes


The text and title boxes demarcate where the cursor position and title text will be drawn.

WaveformView methods for:  display boxes



      "Return the text box..."


      | textBox |

      textBox ¬ self insetDisplayBox copy.

      textBox top: textBox bottom - (self bottomMargin / 2).




      "Return the title box..."


      | titleBox |

      titleBox ¬ self insetDisplayBox copy.

      titleBox bottom: self graphBox top.


WaveformView methods for:  text updating


The cursorPosition method translates the current sensor position into data relative coordinates. 


The updatePosition: method draws the current data relative X and Y cursor position in our text box. 


The updateText method coordinates this update, and ensures that it is only done when the cursor position changes (which makes the display flash less when the cursor is not being moved).

WaveformView methods for:  text updating



      "Return the cursor position..."


      | point |

      point ¬ self controller sensor cursorPoint.

      ^(self dataTransformation applyInverseTo: point) rounded

updatePosition: position

      "Update the position text..."


      | text |

      Display fill: self textBox mask: self insideColor.

      text ¬ 'X:  ' , position x printString , '    ' , 'Y:  ' , position y printString.

      text ¬ text asDisplayText.

      text align: text boundingBox center with: self textBox center.


            displayOn: Display

            at: 0 @ 0

            clippingBox: Display boundingBox

            rule: Form under

            mask: Form black



      "Update the displays..."


      | position |

      position ¬ self cursorPosition.

      self lastPosition ~= position


                  [self updatePosition: position.

                  self lastPosition: position]

WaveformView methods for:  updating


When we get a #waveform  update request, we clear our view, and redraw the entire display.

WaveformView methods for:  updating


update: aSymbol

      "Do everything over for now..."


      aSymbol == #waveform


                  [self clear.

                  self displayView]

Chapter IV -- Anatomy of the Battery Library


The six categories given herein define the battery simulation's relatively application independent code.  These categories are:


      Realtime-Support                           Simulated realtime timebase code

      Realtime-Devices                           Clocks, digitizers, digital I/O devices

      Waveform-Support                        Waveform collection and statistics

      Random-Support                           Random integer and stream support

      Plumbing-Support                         Objects for connecting streams together

      Accessible-Objects                        Support for record/dict. transparency


The Realtime-Support and Realtime-Devices categories together simulate the realtime hardware that laboratory applications must call upon to conduct data acquisition and experimental control.


The Waveform-Support category contains support for multichannel waveform collections, as well as a stream-style averager and statistical collection class.


The Plumbing-Supply category contains a variety of fixtures for connecting stream-objects together.  These are used to construct the stream-style averaging and statistical tools mentioned above.


The Accessible-Object category contains a pair of classes that allow any object to in effect add new instance variables dynamically.   These new fields are kept in a per-instance dictionary.  Attempts to use the conventional instance variable accessing protocols are translated into dictionary references.  Attempts to access an AccessibleObject using the dictionary accessing protocols will allow access to instance variables as well.


Once again, the code for each system category is presented in turn.  A general description of each category is given first, along with a list of the classes defined in that category.  Each class in the category is then presented.  Each class description begins with a table that resembles a standard Smalltalk class definition template.  The class name and its superclass are given, first followed by lists of instance and class variables.  Inherited instance variable names are given in italics.  These lists are followed by the pool dictionary list, the category name, and a table showing the class hierarchy.



The Realtime-Support system category contains but one class in the current battery simulation scheme:


      Timebase                                          Generates a simulated timebase



The Timebase class provides a simulated timebase for the simulated clocked realtime devices.  It is unusual in that all its methods are defined in its metaclass.  Timebase objects keep their simulated timebase in a metaclass instance variable named tick.   Devices that want to connect themselves with the Timebase object do so by making themselves dependents of Timebase.  Timebase ticks themselves are declared when someone sends a doTick message to Timebase.  Timebase's job then is two-fold:  it counts the tick, and declares itself to have changed.



class name      Timebase

superclass        Object

instance variable names

class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Realtime-Support





Timebase objects generate a simulated timebase for

clocked realtime device objects.

Timebase class


class                Timebase class

superclass        Object class

instance variables



Timebase class methods for: class initialization


The class initialization method zeros the tick count and breaks any previously existing dependent entries that might have existed for us.  (One might be surprised how much trouble one can get into if one doesn't do this, what with old versions of various devices on the heap and all.)

Timebase class methods for: class initialization



      "Initialize our instance variables, and rid ourself of old dependents."

      "Timebase initialize"


      tick ¬ 0.

      self breakDependents

Timebase class methods for:  instance creation


We override new to ensure that no instances of Timebase are created.


Timebase class methods for:  instance creation



      "Do not permit this."


      self error: 'Timebase should have no instances...'

Timebase class methods for: accessing


We allow external access to the tick counter.

Timebase class methods for: accessing



      "Return the number of ticks we've counted since we were last initialized."




tick: anInteger

      "Explicitly set the tick counter."


      ^tick ¬ anInteger

Timebase class methods for:  timebase process


When a tick is declared, we increment the tick count, and declare that a change has occurred.  This will send an update: message to all the Timebase's dependents, with Timebase as the argument.  This protocol's name is a vestige of an earlier implementation of Timebase that used Smalltalk processes.  (One early reader of this work, upon seeing the current dependent-based scheme for driving timebase dependent simulated devices remarked that he couldn't imagine anything much slower.  The current Timebase scheme is indeed quite slow.  However, that reader had never seen an earlier process-based scheme in action.)

Timebase class methods for:  timebase process



      "A tick has occurred.  Up our tick count, and say we changed."


      tick ¬ tick + 1.

      self changed



      "Declare a clock tick.  This will in turn update any timebase dependent dependents."


      self doTick



The Realtime-Devices system category contains simulations of the sorts of realtime peripheral devices typically used in laboratory application environments.  The classes in this category are:


      Device                                               Abstract superclass for realtime devices

      ClockedDevice                               Superclass for Timebase dependents

      Clock                                                 A simulated programmable clock class

      Digitizer                                            Abstract clocked A/D converter

      BufferedDigitizer                            A/D converter that writes to a buffer

      StreamedDigitizer                          A/D converter that writes to a stream

      InputBit                                             A simulated digital input bit

      OutputBit                                          A simulated digital output bit



Device is an abstract superclass for all simulated realtime devices.  It adds default initialization protocol, and provides a shared random integer generator.


class name      Device

superclass        Object

instance variable names

class variable names



pool dictionaries

category          Realtime-Devices












This abstract class provides common realtime device behavior...

Device methods for:  instance initialization

Device methods for:  instance initialization



      "Default for Devices is to do nothing."



Device class


class                Device class

superclass        Object class

Device class methods for:  instance creation

Device class methods for:  instance creation



      "Create a new device, and initialize it.  (This ensures that any instance

      of device is initialized upon creation (as per usual practice).)"


      | device |

      device ¬ super new.

      device initialize.


Device class methods for:  class initialization

Device class methods for:  class initialization



      "Device initialize"

      "Create a shared random number generator and a semaphore.  (The

      semaphore is not used by the current synchronous realtime device



      DeviceAccess ¬ Semaphore forMutualExclusion.

      DeviceIntegerGenerator ¬ IntegerGenerator new


Device initialize



Clocked devices are an abstract superclass for all the simulated realtime devices that require that they receive Timebase updates.  (All the simulated devices in the current battery simulation except for OutputBit fit this description.)


class name      ClockedDevice

superclass        Device

instance variable names

class variable names



pool dictionaries

category          Realtime-Devices












ClockedDevice is an abstract class that adds protocol for setting up Timebase

dependencies to Device.

ClockedDevice methods for:  instance initialization


Each new clocked device is a dependent of the Timebase object.

ClockedDevice methods for:  instance initialization



      "All ClockedDevice instances should be made Timebase dependents."


      super initialize.

      Timebase addDependent: self

ClockedDevice methods for:  timebase access


The default behavior for a ClockedDevice when the Timebase declares an update is to tell itself that a tick has occurred by sending doTick to itself.

ClockedDevice methods for:  timebase access


update: anObject

      "Our timebase must have issued an update request.

      Do what we need to do when a tick occurs.

      (We keep this method in reserve in case additional update

      protocol needs to be added somewhere.)"


      self doTick



The Clock class simulates a programmable realtime clock.  These clocks are based on the six hardware and four software timers found in the Pearl II LABPAK library (See [Heffley 85] and [Foote 85]).


Class Clock allows the user to start a clock for an indicated interval (in Timebase ticks), and test for whether this interval has elapsed.  While a clock is running, the number of ticks since it was started can be ascertained. 


A Clock may be run either in single or repeat mode.  In single mode, the clock is stopped when the interval originally requested has elapsed.  In repeat mode, the Clock is restarted from zero when the original interval elapses.  A particularly useful feature of these timers is that a block may be scheduled to run either each time a timer completes an interval, or at any timepoint during a timer's interval.  (This feature, in fact, might serve as the basis for a simulated parallel process-based stimulus generation and response reporting scheme.)


class name      Clock

superclass        ClockedDevice

instance variable names









class variable names



category          Realtime-Devices












Clock is a realtime programmable clock simulation.  It provides protocol

for starting and stopping timers in a number of different modes...

Clock methods for:  instance initialization


We make sure each new Clock is marked as off when it is created.

Clock methods for:  instance initialization



      "Make sure the active flag has a value, then let super make the

      dependent list connections."


      active ¬ false.

      flag ¬ false.

      super initialize

Clock methods for:  clock control


These messages define the basic clock control protocol.  The atTime:do: message allows a given block to be scheduled for execution when the clock reaches the given timepoint. 


The mechanism for keeping track of this is somewhat interesting.  Each instance of Clock keeps a Dictionary in its scheduledBlocks  instance variable.  When a block for a given timepoint is scheduled, we check to see if there is an entry in this dictionary keyed by the given timepoint.  If such an entry exists, we add the block given us to the OrderedCollection of blocks for that timepoint.  If there is no entry for the given key, we create one and place a new OrderedCollection with the given block in it.


The startEvery: method starts a Clock in repeat mode using the given interval and no completion block. 


The startEvery:thenDo: method starts a clock in repeat mode and schedules the given block to be executed every time the clock times out. 


The startFor: method starts a clock in single mode using the given interval and no completion block. 


The startFor:thenDo: method starts a clock in single mode and schedules the given block for execution when this interval has elapsed.  Each of these methods calls the private method startInterval:recycle:thenDo: to actually manipulate the Clock.


The stop message may be called at any time to turn off a given Clock.

Clock methods for:  clock control


atTime: tick do: aBlock

      "Add this block to the OrderedCollection for the given time point.  If 

      there is no collection in the Dictionary for this time point, make one."


      (scheduledBlocks at: tick ifAbsent:

            [scheduledBlocks at: tick put: (OrderedCollection new: 4)])

                  add: aBlock


startEvery: ticks

      "Run us in repeat mode."



            startInterval: ticks

            recycle: true

            thenDo: nil


startEvery: ticks thenDo: aBlock

      "Run the indicated block at the indicated interval."



            startInterval: ticks

            recycle: false

            thenDo: aBlock


startFor: ticks

      "Start us for the indicated interval."



            startInterval: ticks

            recycle: false

            thenDo: nil


startFor: ticks thenDo: aBlock

      "Start a clock for the indicated interval, and schedule the indicated

      block when it is done."



            startInterval: ticks

            recycle: false

            thenDo: aBlock



      "Just mark the clock as inactive."


      active ¬ false

Clock methods for:  public access


The public access protocol provides access to information about the state of this Clock.  Some values are read directly from instance variables, others are computed.  Compare, for example the methods for elapsed and left.  


The wait method waits until a Clock times out.  It accomplishes this by repeatedly waiting for Timebase events until the one that finally causes the Clock to time out occurs.  Similarly, the waitUntil: method allows the user to wait until a given Clock reaches a particular timepoint.

Clock methods for:  public access



      "Return how many ticks we've counted."





      "Allow the user to test the done flag."




flag: aBoolean

      "Allow the user to set the done flag."


      ^flag ¬ aBoolean



      "Return the amount of time left until the clock times out."


      ^interval - count



      "Just wait for the done flag."



            whileFalse: [Timebase waitForEvent]


waitUntil: tick

      "Just wait 'til we've counted up to tick."


      [count ~= tick]

            whileTrue: [Timebase waitForEvent]

Clock methods for:  timebase access


The methods in this protocol category define what happens when a Clock receives an update request from the Timebase object.  Recall that the update: method in ClockedDevice calls doTick. 


When a Clock receives a doTick message, it first check the active  flag.  If this flag is turned off, it ignore this tick.  Otherwise, it updates the internal counter, and check to see if any blocks have been scheduled for execution for the current timepoint.  If so, it passes the collection in the scheduledBlocks  dictionary for this timepoint to the doBlocks: method.  This method executes each block in the collection given it.  The Clock then check to see whether the current interval has elapsed.  If so, it calls doTimeout.

Clock methods for:  timebase access


doBlocks: blocks

      "Run all the blocks in the collection given us.  (Note that we may want

      to think about forking these instead of running them here and now.)"


      blocks do: [:aBlock | aBlock value]



      "A timebase tick occurred.  If we are active, up our count, check for scheduled blocks,

      and see if we timed out."




                  [count ¬ count + 1.

                  (scheduledBlocks includesKey: count)

                        ifTrue: [self doBlocks: (scheduledBlocks at: count)].

                  count = interval ifTrue: [self doTimeout]]



      "If this is repeat mode, start over, otherwise just stop."



            ifTrue: [count ¬ 0]

            ifFalse: [active ¬ false].

      cycle ¬ cycle + 1.

      flag ¬ true

Clock methods for:  private


The startInterval:recycle:thenDo: method is called by several of the public clock control methods to turn on a Clock.  It accepts an interval, a single/repeat mode flag, and a block to execute when the clock has timed out.

Clock methods for:  private


startInterval: ticks recycle: aBoolean thenDo: aBlock

      "Initialize the clock variables, and start us up."


      count ¬ 0.

      interval ¬ ticks.

      active ¬ true.

      cycle ¬ 0.

      recycle ¬ aBoolean.

      flag ¬ false.

      startTick ¬ Timebase tick.

      scheduledBlocks ¬ (Dictionary new: 4).

      (aBlock~~nil) ifTrue: [self atTime: ticks do: aBlock]

Clock class


class                Clock class

superclass        ClockedDevice class

Clock class methods for:  examples


The example below illustrates how several features of Clock are used.  The critical section demonstration was a bit more realistic back when this simulation used Smalltalk processes to implement the Timebase.

Clock class methods for:  examples



      "Clock example"

      "MessageTally spyOn: [Clock example]"

      "Time millisecondsToRun: [Clock example]"


      | aClock |


"Set up the timebase..."

      Timebase initialize.


"Create a clock, and schedule a bunch of completion blocks..."

      aClock ¬ Clock new.

      aClock startFor: 5 thenDo: [Transcript show: 'All done...'; cr].

      aClock atTime: 5 do:

            [Transcript show: 'Time:  ' , aClock elapsed printString; cr].

      aClock atTime: 4 do:

            [Transcript show: 'Time:  ' , aClock elapsed printString; cr].


"This should make things interesting (and demonstrate a classic critical section problem)..."

      Transcript show: 'During set up:  ' , aClock elapsed printString; cr.

      aClock atTime: 3 do:

            [Transcript show: 'Time:  ' , aClock elapsed printString; cr].

      aClock atTime: 2 do:

            [Transcript show: 'Time:  ' , aClock elapsed printString; cr].

      aClock atTime: 1 do:

            [Transcript show: 'Time:  ' , aClock elapsed printString; cr].

      aClock wait.

      Transcript show: 'After wait...'; cr.



These classes simulate clock driven multichannel analog-to-digital (A/D) subsystems.  Digitizer is an abstract superclass for two concrete digitizers, BufferedDigitizer and StreamedDigitizer.  Most of the code for these two types of digitizers is contained in this class.


class name      Digitizer

superclass        ClockedDevice

instance variable names









class variable names






category          Realtime-Devices












This abstract class simulates clocked, multichannel A/D converter

systems.  Subclasses demonstrate different approaches to handling

digitizer output data...

Digitizer methods for:  instance initialization

Digitizer methods for:  instance initialization



      "Make sure the active flag has a value, then let super make the

      dependent list connections."


      active ¬ false.

      flag ¬ false.

      super initialize

Digitizer methods for:  data collection


More data collection methods are defined by subclasses of Digitizer.

Digitizer methods for:  data collection



      "Just mark the clock as inactive."


      active ¬ false

Digitizer methods for:  public access

Digitizer methods for:  public access



      "Allow the user to test the done flag."




flag: aBoolean

      "Allow the user to set the done flag."


      ^flag ¬ aBoolean.



      "Just wait for the done flag."



            whileFalse: [Timebase waitForEvent]

Digitizer methods for:  timebase access


If we have timed out, execute any completion blocks that may be pending, turn off our active flag, and set our done flag.  Per timepoint activity is defined by our concrete subclasses. 


The simulatePoint method uses the three class variables (the IntegerGenerator we inherited from Device, and the own value bounds) to fabricate random A/D-like values.

Digitizer methods for:  timebase access



      "We are done.  Execute our block, turn off the active flag, and say we are done."


      block ~~ nil ifTrue: [block value].

      active ¬ false.

      flag ¬ true



      "Fabricate a point.  We might want to make this more interesting later."


      ^DeviceIntegerGenerator from: MinValue to: MaxValue

Digitizer class


class                Digitizer class

superclass        ClockedDevice class

Digitizer class methods for:  class initialization

Digitizer class methods for:  class initialization



      "Digitizer initialize"

      "Define constants for our minimum and maximum values.  The values

      chosen here are consistent with what a real 12 bit signed A/D system

      would report."


      MinValue ¬ -2048.

      MaxValue ¬ 2047


Digitizer initialize



BufferedDigitizers are fairly faithful simulations of the A/D subsystems that exist on the CPL Pearl II systems [Heffley 85].  They allow a caller to stipulate that a given number of A/D channels be sampled repeatedly at a given interval until a given buffer has been filled.


class name      BufferedDigitizer

superclass        Digitizer

instance variable names











class variable names






pool dictionaries

category          Realtime-Devices











BufferedDigitizer methods for:  data collection


The method below is used to start a BufferedDigitizer.  Most of the parameters are explained in the method comment.  A user supplied block may optionally be scheduled for execution when a multi-point sweep has completed.

BufferedDigitizer methods for:  data collection


collectChannels: chans points: pnts in: buf every: ticks thenDo: aBlock

      "Collect data from the indicated number of channels at the indicated

      interval until the given number of time points have been sampled.  The

      data will be stored in a caller supplied buffer.  This buffer must be an

      ArrayedCollection with (at least) 'chans' elements.  Each of these

      elements must be an ArrayedCollection large enough to accommodated at

      least 'pnts' data points."


      interval ¬ ticks.

      count ¬ 0.

      active ¬ true.

      flag ¬ false.

      channels ¬ chans.

      point ¬ 0.

      points ¬ pnts.

      buffer ¬ buf.

      block ¬ aBlock

BufferedDigitizer methods for:  timebase access


If a BufferedDigitizer is active and a timebase tick occurs, it increments the tick count and sees if the sampling interval has elapsed.  If so, it resets the counter and fake some data.  For each waveform in the  buffer, it adds a simulated point at the offset for the current timepoint.  When it has filled all the points in the buffer, it declares a timeout.

BufferedDigitizer methods for:  timebase access



      "Fake some data."




                  [count ¬ count + 1.

                  count = interval ifTrue:

                  [count ¬ 0.

                  point ¬ point + 1.

                  buffer do: [:waveform | waveform at: point put: self simulatePoint].

                  point = points ifTrue: [self doTimeout]]]


"Brian Foote  7/21/87  (?!) Repaired to fix missing interval timeout code..."



StreamedDigitizers are much like BufferedDigitizers, except that instead of filling a buffer with data, they write them down an output stream of some sort as they are collected.  This capability, together with the Plumbing-Support classes for constructing dataflow fixtures, might make an interesting combination, especially if support for piping data between processes were implemented.  This implementation of the battery does not use StreamedDigitizers.


class name      StreamedDigitizer

superclass        Digitizer

instance variable names











class variable names






pool dictionaries

category          Realtime-Devices











StreamedDigitizer methods for:  data collection


The data collection start up protocol for StreamedDigitizers is much like that for BufferedDigitizers, except that a WriteStream of some is given (in place of the buffer).

StreamedDigitizer methods for:  data collection


collectChannels: chans points: pnts on: aStream every: ticks thenDo: aBlock

      "Collect data from the indicated number of channels at the indicated interval until the given       number of time points have been sampled.  The data will be written to a caller supplied stream..."


      interval ¬ ticks.

      count ¬ 0.

      active ¬ true.

      flag ¬ false.

      channels ¬ chans.

      point ¬ 0.

      points ¬ pnts.

      stream ¬ aStream.

      block ¬ aBlock

StreamedDigitizer methods for:  timebase access


This method looks pretty much like the one in BufferedDigitizer, except that instead of filling a buffer, it sends points down the output stream every time an inter-point interval elapses.

StreamedDigitizer methods for:  timebase access



      "Fake some data..."




                  [count ¬ count + 1.

                  count = interval ifTrue:

                  [count ¬ 0.

                  point ¬ point + 1.

                  (1 to: channels) do: [stream nextPut: self fakePoint].

                  point = points ifTrue: [self doTimeout]]]


"Brian Foote  7/21/87  Added some missing interval timeout code..."



Class InputBit simulates a set of hardware and software capabilities that allow a digital input device to serve as a parallel source of time stamped events.  In this simulation, each line of such an parallel point is simulated as a separate instance of InputBit.  A line number is given when an InputBit is created.  The simulation does not check for whether a given line is used for more than one purpose at a time.  In practice, of course, such misuse could cause problems.


class name      InputBit

superclass        ClockedDevice

instance variable names











class variable names



category          Realtime-Devices












This class simulates a single line parallel input device.

InputBit methods for:  instance initialization

InputBit methods for:  instance initialization



      "Set out reasonable defaults."


      active ¬ false.

      flag ¬ false.

      super initialize.

InputBit methods for:  input reporting


Before an InputBit can report events, it must be enabled.  The three methods defined here allow a bit to be merely enabled, enabled in association with a given Clock, or enabled with a Clock and a block that will be executed whenever an input event occurs for the given bit. 


The disable method disarms a previously armed InputBit.

InputBit methods for:  input reporting



      "Mark us as off."


      active ¬ false



      "Turn us on with no clock or block."


      self enableUsingClock: nil onInputDo: nil


enableUsingClock: aClock

      "Turn us on, saving the given clock."


      self enableUsingClock: aClock onInputDo: nil


enableUsingClock: aClock onInputDo: aBlock

      "Turn us on, saving the given clock and block."


      clock ¬ aClock.

      block ¬ aBlock.

      flag ¬ false.

      count ¬ 0.

      active ¬ true

InputBit methods for:  accessing


The bit and bit: methods allow access to a simulated line number.  The fakeTimeLow:high: method can be called by the user to indicate that an event be faked (forced) for this InputBit at a time randomly selected within the time range given. 


The time method returns the time at which the last input event occurred for this InputBit, relative to the associated Clock (if any).  If no event has occurred, or no Clock is associated with this bit, the time method returns nil.

InputBit methods for:  accessing



      "Return the bit that I watch."




bit: bitNumber

      "Set the bit number."


      ^bit ¬ bitNumber


fakeTimeLow: lowLimit high: highLimit

      "Turn on faking."


      low ¬ lowLimit.

      high ¬ highLimit.

      fakeTime ¬ DeviceIntegerGenerator integerBetween: low and: high



      "Return the saved time or nil."



InputBit methods for:  timebase access


InputBits handle Timebase ticks by first checking to see whether they are active.   If not, the tick is ignored.  If the bit is active, the InputBit increments the tick count, and checks to see if any mouse button is currently pressed.  If so, or if a forced fake input time has is due for this bit, it will declare an input event. 


The doEvent method is called when an input event occurs.  It sees if a block must be executed, records the input time relative to the associated Clock (if any), sets the event flag, and turns off the bit.  Note that because the first detected event disables an InputBit, programs that expect multiple events must take care to quickly detect and rearm their input bits.

InputBit methods for:  timebase access



      "An input event for this bit has been generated (somehow).  Set the event

      flag to true and the active flag to false. Then, record the event time relative

      to the given clock, if any.  Then run the completion block, if need be.  Note that all this has

       the effect of latching the first event time after a bit is enabled.  Subsequent

       events will be ignored until the bit is reenabled."


      flag ¬ true.

      active ¬ false.

      clock ~~ nil ifTrue: [time ¬ clock elapsed].

      block ~~ nil ifTrue: [block value]


"Notes 4/29/86:  It might be a good idea to make the order in which these tasks are done consistent across devices.  As long as we use a synchronous event base this won't matter that much..."

"Brian Foote  7/21/87  Changed the order of these actions so that completion blocks could

reenable the bits, if desired..."



      "Count ticks, and check for mouse buttons and faked events"




                  [count ¬ count + 1.


                        anyButtonPressed |

                        (fakeTime ~~ nil and: [count = fakeTime])

                              ifTrue: [self doEvent]]

InputBit methods for:  public access

InputBit methods for:  public access



      "Allow the user to test the done flag."




flag: aBoolean

      "Allow the user to set the done flag."


      ^flag ¬ aBoolean



      "Just wait for the done flag."



            whileFalse: [Timebase waitForEvent]

InputBit class


class                InputBit class

superclass        ClockedDevice class

InputBit class methods for:  instance creation

InputBit class methods for:  instance creation



      "Force a bit number..."


      self shouldNotImplement


onBit: anInteger

      "Save the bit number..."


      | newBit |

      newBit ¬ super new.

      newBit bit: anInteger.


InputBit class methods for:  examples

InputBit class methods for:  examples



      "InputBit example"

      "MessageTally spyOn: [InputBit example]"

      "Time millisecondsToRun: [InputBit example]"


      | aBit aClock |


"Start the timebase..."

      Device initialize.

      Timebase initialize.


"Set up a bit and a clock..."

      aClock ¬ Clock new.

      aClock startFor: 1000.

      aBit ¬ InputBit newOnBit: 0.

      aBit fakeTimeLow: 200 high: 800.

      aBit enableUsingClock: aClock.


"Wait for the bit event, and print the time..."

      aBit wait.

      Transcript show: 'Time was:  ' , aBit time printString ; cr.



The OutputBit class simulates a parallel digital output system.  Each line of the simulated output port is represented by an instance of Output bit.


class name      OutputBit

superclass        Device

instance variable names


class variable names



pool dictionaries

category          Realtime-Devices












This class simulates a single line parallel output device.

OutputBit methods for:  accessing

OutputBit methods for:  accessing



      "Return the bit number..."




bit: bitNumber

      "Set the bit number..."


      ^bit ¬ bitNumber

OutputBit methods for:  set/clear


Note that the set and clear methods do nothing what-so-ever.  The buck truly stops here.

OutputBit methods for:  set/clear



      "This is only a simulation..."





      "The buck stops here..."



OutputBit class


class                OutputBit class

superclass        Device class

OutputBit class methods for:  instance creation

OutputBit class methods for:  instance creation



      "Force a bit number..."


      self shouldNotImplement


onBit: anInteger

      "Save the bit number..."


      | newBit |

      newBit ¬ super new.

      newBit bit: anInteger.




The Waveform-Support system category contains classes that manage waveform data and statistical information.  The classes in this category are:


      Averager                                           A stream-style incremental averager

      Waveform                                         A collection of data

      WaveformCollection                      A collection of waveforms

      Tally                                                   A streamed incremental statistics collector



Averager objects provide a stream-oriented framework for incrementally averaging anything that adheres to a given set of protocols.   An instance of Averager is given a sum object when it is created into which individual observations are accumulated.  Individual observations are fed to an Averager using the standard WriteStream message nextPut:. 


Sum objects must be able to respond to the messages +=, /=, and zero.  Objects given to an Averager by nextPut:  must be suitable arguments to the += method of the sum object.  Averager objects take care of counting the number of observations they have seen, and can be asked to report a current average at any time.


class name      Averager

superclass        Object

instance variable names



class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Waveform-Support




Averager methods for:  instance initialization


The initialize method merely makes sure that the counter is zeroed when we begin.

Averager methods for:  instance initialization



      "Make sure new averages start with their counters at zero..."


      self count: 0

Averager methods for:  accessing


The accessing methods allow the current observation count to be easily ascertained, and could be used to insert a previously computed set of sums and counts should it be necessary to pick up a previous average where it had left off.

Averager methods for:  accessing



      "Return the number of objects incorporated into our sum buffer so far..."




count: n

      "Set the counter as indicated.  This might be useful were one to want to

      add new data into a saved pair of sum and count objects..."


      ^count ¬ n



      "Return the current sum object.  (This can be any object that responds to

      '+=', '/=', and 'zero'.)"




sum: anObject

      "Set the current sum object.  (This can be any object that responds to 

      '+=', '/=', and 'zero'.)"


      ^sum ¬ anObject

Averager methods for:  averaging


This category defines the primary external averaging protocol.  An Averager can be reinitialized using the zero method.  Individual observations are reported to us using the nextPut: method. 


The use of a steam-oriented protocol allows Averagers to be easily incorporated into a pipelined dataflow scheme of the sort made possible by the classes in the Plumbing-Support system category. 


The nextPut: method sends the object it receives to the sum object as part of an add-to-self message.  The += selector for this message is modelled after a C [Kernighan 78] operator that performs an analogous function.  For examples of how averagable objects might implement these messages, see classes Waveform and WaveformCollection. 


The average method similarly employs a C-style /= operator to divide the sum object by the accumulated count.  The use of the += and /= operators represents an attempt to take into account the the relative runtime efficiency differences between, for example, adding one collection to another vs. creating a new collection, adding two collections into it, and discarding one of the old ones.  Such considerations are important when realtime constraints come into play.  One can, however, make a case that using + and /  as the averagable object protocol might have given the Averager greater potential generality.

Averager methods for:  averaging



^self sum /= self count


nextPut: anObject

      "Tell our sum object to add this object into to itself.  Then update our

      count... "


      self sum += anObject.

      self count: self count + 1



      "Forward this to our sum object, if  any..."


      count ¬ 0.

      sum isNil ifFalse: [sum zero]

Averager class


class                Averager class

superclass        Object class

Averager class methods for:  instance creation


Averagers can either be created with a designated summing object, or created without one with the expectation that one will be assigned later.

Averager class methods for:  instance creation



      "Create a new averager..."


      | avg |

      avg ¬ super new.

      avg initialize.



on: anObject

      "Create a new averager and set its initial sum buffer as indicated. (This can

      be any object that responds to '+=', '/=', and 'zero'.)"


      | avg |

      avg ¬ self new.

      avg sum: anObject.

      avg zero.




Waveform objects simulate digitized time-series waveforms.  They add protocol for simulating A/D data, and for conforming to the Averager's averagable object protocol to Array.


class name      Waveform

superclass        Array

instance variable names

class variable names

pool dictionaries

category          Waveform-Support









Waveforms represent single channels time series records...

Waveform methods for:  instance initialization


The initialize method makes sure that all Waveforms are initially filled with zeros.  Since a zero method is required to conform to the protocol required by the Averager, Waveform uses this method to set all the Waveform's elements to zero.

Waveform methods for:  instance initialization



      "Let's zero new waveforms..."


      self zero

Waveform methods for:  element initialization


Waveforms know how to do two things to all their elements. One is to set them all to zero.  The other is to fill each element with random integer values of the sort that might be returned by an A/D system.  It is easy to imagine other useful capabilities that might be added here, such as sinusoid, square, ramp, and triangle wave creation.

Waveform methods for:  element initialization



      "Put a random number in the range that one would expect from an A/D

      converter into each or our elements..."


      | r |

      r ¬ IntegerGenerator new.

      (1 to: self size)

            do: [:p | self at: p put: (r from: -2048 to: 2047)]


"Notes 4/30/86:  We might want to consider creating a pool with A/D ranges and

the like in it..."



      "Filling a collection with zeros is easy..."


      self atAllPut: 0

Waveform methods for:  averaging


Two C-style averaging methods required by the Averager are implemented here.  The += method allows us to do an element-wise addition of all the elements of a given waveform into ourself.  The /= method divides each of the Waveform's elements by the given value, and rounds the result to the nearest integer.

Waveform methods for:  averaging


+= aWaveform

      (1 to: self size)

            do: [:p | self at: p put: (self at: p)

                              + (aWaveform at: p)]


/= count

      | w |

      w ¬ self collect: [:pnt | pnt / count rounded].


Waveform methods for:  extrema


These methods are called primarily by WaveformView.  (Waveform could do worse than use them internally.)

Waveform methods for:  extrema



      ^self size







