Airplane Reading

Below are thumbnails for some of the less technical books I've been reading of late, or of not-so-late. It is a work-in-progress. They are in no particular order, and are clustered roughly by topic. Each clicks through to I've not included pattern-related books, since they can be found here.

Lewin: Complexity Waldrop: Complexity Kauffman: Investigations Cilliers: Complexity and Postmodernism Gleick: Chaos Briggs et al.: Turbulent Mirror Ruelle: Chance and Chaos Kauffman: At Home in the Universe Gell-Mann: The Quark and the Jaguar

Dawkins: The Selfish Gene Dawkins: The Blind Watchmaker Dawkins: Climbing Mount Improbable Dawkins: River Out of Eden Dawkins: Unweaving the Rainbow Blackmore: The Meme Machine Gould: Wonderful Life Dawkins: The Extended Phenotype

Gladwell: The Tipping Point Brown: The Social Life of Information Wilson: Consilience Greider: One World, Ready or Not Dyson: Darwin Among the Machines Wheatley: Leadership and the New Science Diamond: Guns, Germs, and Steel Rare Earth

Brian Foote
Last Modified: 6 January 2001